November 28, 2010
Independence 2014
Late in 2005, Catalunya Acció was born, and proposed the date of 2014 as the date to achieve the Independence of our country. Then, almost everybody defined us as fools. Those were the days when ERC -Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya-, captained by Carod-Rovira, changed their wish for independence for the Spanish federalism of Maragall and Zapatero. Times of "misty rain". But dating the creation of a Catalan State was not a witticism but a reflection and analysis process and a compromise. A decade, doing things properly, was, and still is, enough to place a winning strategy.
Later, disappointment came with ERC, after their euphemistic and absurd "right to decide", the courage of the people from Arenys de Munt and the slap from the Constitutional Court. All, necessary tolls in a process to independence. While this all was happening, it was needed, we said, to canalize this growing secessionist feeling in its electoral form. Catalunya Acció never wanted to do it alone, because we knew that a minimal unity, wisely made, was necessary. Our history shows that to succeed, we need teamwork. Undoubtedly, we are the people of the human towers and sardana. But nobody believed us because they said "it was not the right time". But because we are not the ones who wait for the moment but creates it, decided to publicize the party "Força Catalunya".
It seems that since then, everybody saw it all and they run to "reagroup", and not long afterwards, some others not quite satisfied with this, "solidarized"... but only among themselves. Then, "solidaries" and "reagroupped" recuperate the best tradition of our fraternal fights, such as "nyerros and cadells" or the "Biga and Busca". With such a view, and because the people of Catalunya Acció have overcome the time of swords and blunderbusses, the wisest is not to take part for any of the sides and we have voluntarily withdrawn from these elections.
Taking into consideration the expectations of vote for ones and the others, most surely the battle for an independent Catalan State will not be fought on November 28th, despite that if a big coalition for independence had existed, probably we could have had the opportunity to convert this Sunday into the first real plebiscite to break with Spain. Notwithstanding that what we have achieved -and this is the great victory- that in this dull electoral campaign "independence" has been the most pronounced word. Now, we are in front of four years in which we may transform the collective state of mind into a reality, provided that frivolity does not bar neither common sense nor vision of future. The elections in 2014 must be the real ones for freedom.
Santiago Espot
CEO Catalunya Acció
Article published on November 27 2010 on Opinió Digital.
Later, disappointment came with ERC, after their euphemistic and absurd "right to decide", the courage of the people from Arenys de Munt and the slap from the Constitutional Court. All, necessary tolls in a process to independence. While this all was happening, it was needed, we said, to canalize this growing secessionist feeling in its electoral form. Catalunya Acció never wanted to do it alone, because we knew that a minimal unity, wisely made, was necessary. Our history shows that to succeed, we need teamwork. Undoubtedly, we are the people of the human towers and sardana. But nobody believed us because they said "it was not the right time". But because we are not the ones who wait for the moment but creates it, decided to publicize the party "Força Catalunya".
It seems that since then, everybody saw it all and they run to "reagroup", and not long afterwards, some others not quite satisfied with this, "solidarized"... but only among themselves. Then, "solidaries" and "reagroupped" recuperate the best tradition of our fraternal fights, such as "nyerros and cadells" or the "Biga and Busca". With such a view, and because the people of Catalunya Acció have overcome the time of swords and blunderbusses, the wisest is not to take part for any of the sides and we have voluntarily withdrawn from these elections.
Taking into consideration the expectations of vote for ones and the others, most surely the battle for an independent Catalan State will not be fought on November 28th, despite that if a big coalition for independence had existed, probably we could have had the opportunity to convert this Sunday into the first real plebiscite to break with Spain. Notwithstanding that what we have achieved -and this is the great victory- that in this dull electoral campaign "independence" has been the most pronounced word. Now, we are in front of four years in which we may transform the collective state of mind into a reality, provided that frivolity does not bar neither common sense nor vision of future. The elections in 2014 must be the real ones for freedom.
Santiago Espot
CEO Catalunya Acció
Article published on November 27 2010 on Opinió Digital.
November 14, 2010
The Jewish State (Theodore Herzl)
The book is a breviary where this Jew born in Pest, and son of a rich family, journalist, playwright, Bachelor in Law, formulated the bases for the resolution of the Jewish problem: the necessary will of the Jewish people, negotiation and international intervention to look for a territory and the solution.
Herzl (1860-1904), conscious of the strength and durability of the anti-Semitism, pointed towards a solution that, ensured, will be achieved years after his death. And he enumerated the bases, the program, the method to build the Jewish Nation. Two localities appear ideal to accommodate the people of the Diaspora and the Holocaust: Argentine and Palestine.
Herzl, one year after the publication of this principal book, convoked in Basel the World Zionist Congress, occupying the presidency of the Zionist Organization.
The first step was taken. The book shook consciences and started an unheard mobilization across the globe. Second, the Judaism created a successful organizational structure, necessary tool to achieve the goal.
As a people that suffers from national oppression and the deprivation of its own State, "The Jewish State" constitutes for Catalans a necessary reading to know the experiences of other peoples wishing for their freedom.
Pere Meroño
About winners and losers
Besides a jubilant Sebastian Vettel, this is the face of a Spanish loser. Fernando Alonso believed that he had to win this year's F1 title because it "had to belong to him".
But reality has shown otherwise.
And this is the very same face that the rest of Spaniards will make when Catalonia achieves its well deserved -and extremely well paid already- independence from that country. Because Catalonia does not belong to Spain or France.
Congratulations Sebastian Vettel. Thanks for not allowing Spanish hooligans destroy our country like they did when they won the football World Cup earlier this year.
November 01, 2010
The lipdub for independence of Catalonia achieves world record
With a final participation of 5771 people, the lipdub for independence in the city of Vic (Principality of Catalonia), has been awarded the world largest participation ever in a lipdub by the World Records Academy.
Catalunya Acció UK would like to congratulate the participants for having achieved the award, showing that the wish for independence in Catalonia is stronger than ever.
To watch the full video, click on
Addendum: Subtitles in several languages, translating the lyrics can be inserted, clicking the icon "cc" that appears at the bottom bar on the video.
Catalunya Acció UK would like to congratulate the participants for having achieved the award, showing that the wish for independence in Catalonia is stronger than ever.
To watch the full video, click on
Addendum: Subtitles in several languages, translating the lyrics can be inserted, clicking the icon "cc" that appears at the bottom bar on the video.
October 10, 2010
The country is failing from the top
Neither the interested leaders of CiU -Convergència i Unió-, with their obsessive and irresponsible "boxing" of Catalonia within Spain, nor the PSC -Socialists-, lackeys to their Spanish landlord, nor the wise Carod-Puigcercós tandem, with their childish idea of a "multinational Spain" will be able to take us out of this siding that is Spain. To which we have arrived after 30 years walking through the wrong track. The strategies by Pujol, Mas, Maragall and Carod-Puigcercós have been, and are, wrong, and thus, their results are awful -situation of the Catalan language, knowledge of our own History, infrastructures, economy, services, pensions...-. Although they were absolutely predictable due to the experiences prior to the Francoist dictatorship.
Slaves incapable to break free from their owner always look for the most comfortable way of living together. So that our political leaders have carried out absurd and negative politics for Catalonia such as "collaborate to the Spanish governability" while all the Spanish governments have looted from our taxes; "doing pedagogy in Spain" while Spain insults us on our faces; "build a federal Spain, or multinational Spain" while Spain has it clear that there is only one Spain which is already built from centuries ago.
Nobody surprises that we found ourselves where we are now, it is very simple to identify the cause -a wrong strategy for the country- and its responsibles -our political leaders-. Unless we correct the strategy and direct our direction towards the constitution of a Catalan State, we continue to walk this rocky road until we become a sad and poor Spanish region. It is simply what happens to the colonies that do not free themselves on time. There is no alternative, do not believe those wizards of the politics that have lead this country making us believe that the understanding with Spain is possible.
Because of this, it is important that we begin by preparing what is necessary to do when we reach the end of the road, when the "financing" becomes the big achievement that will be saddled at us, and the sentence by the Constitutional Court will be the last humiliation, disguised as justice à-la-Spain. When in the next months we arrive at the end of the misfire of the "boxing of Catalonia in Spain", our politicians will not know what to do, will not know how to come out from this cul-de-sac. However, knowing them as we do, they will avoid their responsibility and will pass the hot potato to the people. Some might say that there will be necessary a new referendum for the "Estatut", some others say that will be necessary to bring the people to the streets. Everything but act like proper political leaders when face complex situations.
In consequence, the only solution is relieve, substitute, our political leadership. Because of their cowardice, incompetence or bribery, or perhaps all together, and everyone apply adjectives as they please to our political leaders. And, who liked to defend them with excuses such as "they couldn't do otherwise", "they did what they were able to do", please revise their political candidness. Nobody be so naive to think that they can be pressed, expect a change in direction, changes in the strategy for the country from those who have been keeping quiet in front of the looting of our taxes -the so-called "fiscal deficit"-, have tolerated the systematic marginalization of our language in many ambits, who have been incapable to teach our History at our schools, who have allowed our pensioners to receive misery after a whole life of work, who have allowed our infrastructures to rot... The only way to readdress our Nation is to dismiss our political representatives from their comfortable thrones, and somebody menaced their statuses and privileges.
Some may think I exaggerate. It all depends if the situation of our country is seen with the eyes of the slaves that have ruled and rule us -those who have a lot to lose with our independence, and therefore try to hide the truth from Catalan people- or with the eyes of free men and women, who believe in the possibilities of our country, and in the potential of our people being simply Catalan. Which, translated to who suffer from identity schizophrenia means without "Spanish" or "French", without having to belong to Spain or France, only to the Catalan State.
Josep Castany
General Director Catalunya Acció
December 27th, 2008
Slaves incapable to break free from their owner always look for the most comfortable way of living together. So that our political leaders have carried out absurd and negative politics for Catalonia such as "collaborate to the Spanish governability" while all the Spanish governments have looted from our taxes; "doing pedagogy in Spain" while Spain insults us on our faces; "build a federal Spain, or multinational Spain" while Spain has it clear that there is only one Spain which is already built from centuries ago.
Nobody surprises that we found ourselves where we are now, it is very simple to identify the cause -a wrong strategy for the country- and its responsibles -our political leaders-. Unless we correct the strategy and direct our direction towards the constitution of a Catalan State, we continue to walk this rocky road until we become a sad and poor Spanish region. It is simply what happens to the colonies that do not free themselves on time. There is no alternative, do not believe those wizards of the politics that have lead this country making us believe that the understanding with Spain is possible.
Because of this, it is important that we begin by preparing what is necessary to do when we reach the end of the road, when the "financing" becomes the big achievement that will be saddled at us, and the sentence by the Constitutional Court will be the last humiliation, disguised as justice à-la-Spain. When in the next months we arrive at the end of the misfire of the "boxing of Catalonia in Spain", our politicians will not know what to do, will not know how to come out from this cul-de-sac. However, knowing them as we do, they will avoid their responsibility and will pass the hot potato to the people. Some might say that there will be necessary a new referendum for the "Estatut", some others say that will be necessary to bring the people to the streets. Everything but act like proper political leaders when face complex situations.
In consequence, the only solution is relieve, substitute, our political leadership. Because of their cowardice, incompetence or bribery, or perhaps all together, and everyone apply adjectives as they please to our political leaders. And, who liked to defend them with excuses such as "they couldn't do otherwise", "they did what they were able to do", please revise their political candidness. Nobody be so naive to think that they can be pressed, expect a change in direction, changes in the strategy for the country from those who have been keeping quiet in front of the looting of our taxes -the so-called "fiscal deficit"-, have tolerated the systematic marginalization of our language in many ambits, who have been incapable to teach our History at our schools, who have allowed our pensioners to receive misery after a whole life of work, who have allowed our infrastructures to rot... The only way to readdress our Nation is to dismiss our political representatives from their comfortable thrones, and somebody menaced their statuses and privileges.
Some may think I exaggerate. It all depends if the situation of our country is seen with the eyes of the slaves that have ruled and rule us -those who have a lot to lose with our independence, and therefore try to hide the truth from Catalan people- or with the eyes of free men and women, who believe in the possibilities of our country, and in the potential of our people being simply Catalan. Which, translated to who suffer from identity schizophrenia means without "Spanish" or "French", without having to belong to Spain or France, only to the Catalan State.
Josep Castany
General Director Catalunya Acció
December 27th, 2008
September 09, 2010
Serbia drops UN challenge to Kosovo independence and its relevance to Catalonia
English newspaper "The Guardian" informs us that Serbia has agreed to make last minute U-turn in its wish to reverse, question or invalidate Kosovo's independence at the United Nations. The debate had to take place at the UN general assembly on September 9th but Serbians dropped the challenge only hours before the hearing.
Serbia, then, bowed to pressure from European and US diplomacy, clearing the way for a settlement between Belgrade and Kosovo leadership and the Serbians joining the EU, which would have been compromised should Serbia had kept the challenge to Kosovo's independence. Catherine Ashton, the EU's foreign policy chief, pressed Serbian President Boris Tadic to agree on a "last-chance" formula acceptable to the rest of Europe. Joe Biden, US vice-president, reinforced the message.
Serbia, then, bowed to pressure from European and US diplomacy, clearing the way for a settlement between Belgrade and Kosovo leadership and the Serbians joining the EU, which would have been compromised should Serbia had kept the challenge to Kosovo's independence. Catherine Ashton, the EU's foreign policy chief, pressed Serbian President Boris Tadic to agree on a "last-chance" formula acceptable to the rest of Europe. Joe Biden, US vice-president, reinforced the message.
Kosovo declared unilateral independence from Serbia in 2008, which has not recognized the new State. Since then, Serbia lost a case at the International Court of Justice that ruled the secession did not breach international law.
The ruling by the ICJ and the intercession of the EU and the US, to stop Serbians from invalidating the independence of its former Republic, will be very useful to Catalonia when we declare our independence. We have now the precedent of the most influent international diplomacies mediating and negotiating for the recently formed European State, not the former, Serbia. It will certainly break mental schemes of a lot of people, always scared to take the step for freedom and independence, probably due to so many years of having to bow in front of the oppressor Spain and France.
Europe and the US show us that the modern day diplomacy may help the new democratic countries, if they make themselves interesting to the World powers. Catalonia must work towards establishing international networks and lobbies throughout the world, especially US, Europe and Israel. And it has to be made soon, because Catalonia will be the next State in Europe.
Jordi Margalef Turull
Catalunya Acció UK
Information taken from "The Guardian". Click here to read original article.
The ruling by the ICJ and the intercession of the EU and the US, to stop Serbians from invalidating the independence of its former Republic, will be very useful to Catalonia when we declare our independence. We have now the precedent of the most influent international diplomacies mediating and negotiating for the recently formed European State, not the former, Serbia. It will certainly break mental schemes of a lot of people, always scared to take the step for freedom and independence, probably due to so many years of having to bow in front of the oppressor Spain and France.
Europe and the US show us that the modern day diplomacy may help the new democratic countries, if they make themselves interesting to the World powers. Catalonia must work towards establishing international networks and lobbies throughout the world, especially US, Europe and Israel. And it has to be made soon, because Catalonia will be the next State in Europe.
Jordi Margalef Turull
Catalunya Acció UK
Information taken from "The Guardian". Click here to read original article.
August 13, 2010
Why is it never the time?
"Preludi de la independència" -"Prelude of independence"- was published eighteen years ago, by Carles M. Espinalt, and its first sentence is "There are a lot of people who would like that nobody could hear not even the first note [of the Prelude]". The author is referring to those who strive to stop that support for independence for our nation concretes clearly and effectively. In other words, those who always want that the axis of our politics span around our role within this failed entity called Spain. But, how do they act to make their obsession effective? In the first chapter we may also read "Often, cowards, to not to stand out, are the most interested to silence the voices of the courageous". Who is the author talking about? Who are those pusillanimous that mask their own fears with excuses?
When Carles M. Espinalt wrote these words, it was the time when Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania declared their independence, which made Catalans see that nothing was untouchable in matter of borders. If a few little nations became independent from the mighty second world super-power, what obstructed Catalonia from doing the same with regards to Spain? Thought a lot of Catalans. Those were also the days of the majorities of Jordi Pujol, who, foreseeing a spread of the Baltic independence feeling around Catalonia, ran to manifest "Catalonia is like Lithuania, but Spain is not the USSR". Another way to abort a prelude of the independence of Catalonia, and at the same time, wash the face of who he robs, swears at and wants to make you disappear.
Years go by, faces and governments change, but the contraries to the prelude continue to make their way. It seems like they pass the relay to each other, generation to generation. Now, Catalans have not needed to look at Northern Europe to see how feasible is to create a Catalan State in a relatively short period of time. We only had to follow the example of the brave town of Arenys de Munt to believe in our own capabilities and sing the loudest prelude of independence of Catalonia. We are listening to it with all the force given by hundreds of thousands of voices who, strongly, have filled the ballot boxes of the polls celebrated throughout the Principality. "Finally!", "We are touching it!", "Nothing can stop us now!" are the most common expressions heard in these times. And this crescendo finally exploded in the biggest demonstration supporting independence never dreamt on July 10th. In front of everything, how could these Catalan voices, full of courage and hope be suffocated?
Pujol's political offsprings have tried again, by utilizing the same false paternalist used by their father when he wanted to take out our heads the example of the ex-Soviet Republics. Now, the phrase has been "we are not ripe enough to hold a plebiscite for independence", and they have have aborted any remote possibility to convoke a referendum for the independence of Catalonia. The same people who a few days earlier had admitted a people's initiative (IP) to organize a referendum, based on the Consultation Act, and now they retreated. What has happened? This proposition was initiated as a simple speculation to win the votes of those willing to break with Spain. The problem, though, is that after the demonstration on July 10th in Barcelona, these votes would get the majority and would mean the compromise to start a secession process. And this is a big problem for who does not see Catalonia beyond a sad condition of "Autonomous Community" within Spain and never believes that the time for a Catalan State has arrived. Spanish stability is always priority and the freedom of Catalonia is left eternally in a second or third plane. When elections are close, they put on the mask of Macià to hide their real face of Cambó. They are always who want the abortion, at all price, of the prelude of the independence of Catalonia.
Santiago Espot
CEO Catalunya Acció, promoter Força Catalunya
Published at "El Punt", July 22nd 2010
When Carles M. Espinalt wrote these words, it was the time when Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania declared their independence, which made Catalans see that nothing was untouchable in matter of borders. If a few little nations became independent from the mighty second world super-power, what obstructed Catalonia from doing the same with regards to Spain? Thought a lot of Catalans. Those were also the days of the majorities of Jordi Pujol, who, foreseeing a spread of the Baltic independence feeling around Catalonia, ran to manifest "Catalonia is like Lithuania, but Spain is not the USSR". Another way to abort a prelude of the independence of Catalonia, and at the same time, wash the face of who he robs, swears at and wants to make you disappear.
Years go by, faces and governments change, but the contraries to the prelude continue to make their way. It seems like they pass the relay to each other, generation to generation. Now, Catalans have not needed to look at Northern Europe to see how feasible is to create a Catalan State in a relatively short period of time. We only had to follow the example of the brave town of Arenys de Munt to believe in our own capabilities and sing the loudest prelude of independence of Catalonia. We are listening to it with all the force given by hundreds of thousands of voices who, strongly, have filled the ballot boxes of the polls celebrated throughout the Principality. "Finally!", "We are touching it!", "Nothing can stop us now!" are the most common expressions heard in these times. And this crescendo finally exploded in the biggest demonstration supporting independence never dreamt on July 10th. In front of everything, how could these Catalan voices, full of courage and hope be suffocated?
Pujol's political offsprings have tried again, by utilizing the same false paternalist used by their father when he wanted to take out our heads the example of the ex-Soviet Republics. Now, the phrase has been "we are not ripe enough to hold a plebiscite for independence", and they have have aborted any remote possibility to convoke a referendum for the independence of Catalonia. The same people who a few days earlier had admitted a people's initiative (IP) to organize a referendum, based on the Consultation Act, and now they retreated. What has happened? This proposition was initiated as a simple speculation to win the votes of those willing to break with Spain. The problem, though, is that after the demonstration on July 10th in Barcelona, these votes would get the majority and would mean the compromise to start a secession process. And this is a big problem for who does not see Catalonia beyond a sad condition of "Autonomous Community" within Spain and never believes that the time for a Catalan State has arrived. Spanish stability is always priority and the freedom of Catalonia is left eternally in a second or third plane. When elections are close, they put on the mask of Macià to hide their real face of Cambó. They are always who want the abortion, at all price, of the prelude of the independence of Catalonia.
Santiago Espot
CEO Catalunya Acció, promoter Força Catalunya
Published at "El Punt", July 22nd 2010
August 12, 2010
What kind of people Spain must be that they have to wave the flag of torture?
How else anybody, to look brave, before taking on the opposition -the bull in this case-, would torture and wound it in the most disgraceful way?
What kind of nation, what kind of people, we have for forceful associates?
We must break, politically and nationally, with them with the utmost emergency, before they do not take us all as "bulls".
Salvador Molins
(Member BIC and Catalunya Acció)
President Montilla declared, once he voted for bullfighting, that his vote was for freedom -we must understand that for those who take pleasure contemplating that brutal performance, those who are pleased at looking at dying wounded, teased and disadvantaged bulls-. It is clear that the second part of the sentence was omitted, but in reality, stabbing, torturing and kill a disadvantaged animal is something not for libertarians but savage and bad persons. The bad work of a bad people!
July 31, 2010
Comment on the article "The land of ban", by the Economist
As we are "the land of ban", we should ban every article that is written with some ill-informed journalist, talking about things that does not seem to know, from a place where everything that comes from their peripheries sound like an attack to the sacred unity of the (ex-)empire.
It seems very difficult to understand how we, Catalans, can continue to be annexed to such totalitarian way of thinking. Do you tolerate diversity? Democracy? Freedom of choice? If not, then, we, Catalans, better leave this and become an independent Nation. Yes, I said Nation. The same word that has been forbidden (hmmm, were we -Catalonia- the land of ban?) from an already meager Charter, something that was written by our representatives elected democratically, and then, was voted by our people -Catalans, of course-, and later endorsed by the Spanish Parliament -another elected organ- but what several judges -not voted in any election, cut and interpreted following Franco's frameworks. The same judges who have inserted up to fourteen times "Spain in the only sovereign nation in Spain". Fourteen times! Do they think Catalans are idiots?
To this, I answer that Catalans are not idiots, and that we shall become independent in the near future. Due to, and among other reasons, this type of reactions from the Spanish cavern. As follows, ability to not tolerate diversity, ability to plunder some €60M/day from Catalonia, lack in investments for infrastructure, magnificent and extraordinary waiting lists in the Health Service, lack of investment in Education, discrimination against Catalonia's own language in our own land. And I leave a few more.
Perhaps we are not "the land of ban" more than others try to ban us from existing. At the end of the day, our bans, like the ban on burkhas is made to protect women from that barbaric tradition of having to cover their faces "in the name of God", and the ban on bullfighting to extend the protection of animals to bulls too.
One recommendation to your journalist, do not come to Catalonia, perhaps you will be next one to be banned from entering. Or maybe we shall perform one last "corrida" using him as the object of fun, parody and ridiculous. Drugging him, sawing his horns and severing his neck ligaments prior to being teased, hooked, stabbed and finally dragged along the ring, while his killer waves his ears and perhaps his tail to the public. Would you prefer the "corrida" be banned then?
Jordi Margalef
Catalunya Acció UK
The full article can be seen by clicking on the following link
It seems very difficult to understand how we, Catalans, can continue to be annexed to such totalitarian way of thinking. Do you tolerate diversity? Democracy? Freedom of choice? If not, then, we, Catalans, better leave this and become an independent Nation. Yes, I said Nation. The same word that has been forbidden (hmmm, were we -Catalonia- the land of ban?) from an already meager Charter, something that was written by our representatives elected democratically, and then, was voted by our people -Catalans, of course-, and later endorsed by the Spanish Parliament -another elected organ- but what several judges -not voted in any election, cut and interpreted following Franco's frameworks. The same judges who have inserted up to fourteen times "Spain in the only sovereign nation in Spain". Fourteen times! Do they think Catalans are idiots?
To this, I answer that Catalans are not idiots, and that we shall become independent in the near future. Due to, and among other reasons, this type of reactions from the Spanish cavern. As follows, ability to not tolerate diversity, ability to plunder some €60M/day from Catalonia, lack in investments for infrastructure, magnificent and extraordinary waiting lists in the Health Service, lack of investment in Education, discrimination against Catalonia's own language in our own land. And I leave a few more.
Perhaps we are not "the land of ban" more than others try to ban us from existing. At the end of the day, our bans, like the ban on burkhas is made to protect women from that barbaric tradition of having to cover their faces "in the name of God", and the ban on bullfighting to extend the protection of animals to bulls too.
One recommendation to your journalist, do not come to Catalonia, perhaps you will be next one to be banned from entering. Or maybe we shall perform one last "corrida" using him as the object of fun, parody and ridiculous. Drugging him, sawing his horns and severing his neck ligaments prior to being teased, hooked, stabbed and finally dragged along the ring, while his killer waves his ears and perhaps his tail to the public. Would you prefer the "corrida" be banned then?
Jordi Margalef
Catalunya Acció UK
The full article can be seen by clicking on the following link
July 28, 2010
Beyond bullfighting, the Spanish crumble
Catalonia, its people represented in the Parliament, has decided to embrace the advanced thinking present within the most developed Nations in Europe. Catalonia has suppressed a barbaric Middle Age hobby, disguised as ancestral culture but in fact, used as an instrument of unification by Spain. Who had not heard that the Spanish portrait is based on "sun, paella, flamenco and bullfighting"?
From today, the tourist who seeks all these in Catalonia will have to look for them in other places beyond the borders of Catalonia. We did not share some of these identity symbols with Spain in the first place, they were imposed to us with the Spanish colonization, and we shall get rid of them, as we shall get rid of Spain and become an independent Nation in the near future.
We know there will be outrage among the Spanish ranks. It is understandable, because Spain is only holding together by symbols such as bullfighting and football. Fallen one, the rest will follow, and with this alien symbolism, that artificial country itself. The big Spanish crumble is close to happen for good, being Catalunya Acció one of the main actors on the stage.
Take a look at the Spanish newspapers, their headlines are pointing more at the identity threat, and the possibility that Catalonia becomes independent, than the defence of the bullfighting itself. What more excluding, racist and degrading than condemning a whole Nation to have to hold, and enjoy, performances like men teasing, stabbing, torturing and finally killing a drugged, horn-sawed and stunned animal?
We are proud of having outlawed bullfighting. And will be even more when our duty to become independent from Spain and France will be fulfilled.
Jordi Margalef Turull
Catalunya Acció UK
July 27, 2010
Evaluation of the initiative "Solidaritat Catalana per la Independència"
Following the call to create "Solidaritat Catalana per la Independència", last July 20th, by Mr Joan Laporta (ex-chairman FC Barcelona, promoter of Democràcia Catalana), Mr Alfons López Tena (jurist and member of Convergència Democràtica Catalana) and by MP Uriel Bertran (MP for Esquerra),
- Catalunya Acció evaluates positively the appearance of this initiative, which is in line with the strategy and proposals that Catalunya Acció has been developing since its formation in 2004. In the sense of backing the patriotic union of Catalans in a great electoral coalition as the only way of obtaining a categorical victory of the supporters for independence in the contest of the elections at the Parliament of the Principality of Catalonia.
- In front of the disorientation provoked by the appearance of new initiatives among so many supporters for independence, such as Reagrupament, Solidaritat Catalana per la Independència and the Conferència Nacional del Sobiranisme driven by eminent Moisès Broggi, Joan Blanch, Oriol Domènech, Agustí Bassols, Heribert Barrera and Antoni M Badia, we would like to confirm that is not a symptom of dispersion and disorientation in the supporters for independence, but necessary elements of clarification and consolidation for this political stage, previous to the construction of the "Great Coalition for Independence" that collected all this claim for national freedom.
- We would request that Mr Joan Carretero and Mr Joan Laporta, as determining elements for this coalition to be real, that for the next days, give their utmost to resolve their differences and reach an agreement, because due to their actual political weight, they have in their hands the power to create this Great Coalition among the different political proposals in favour of independence, projecting unity and victory to the hundreds of thousands of voters who are claiming such Coalition.
- The actual international context, having the International Court of Justice endorsed the legality of the unilateral declarations of independence, opens a historical opportunity for the Catalan Nation and, so, forces even more the nationalist leaders to be to be at the level of the circumstances and not defraud the longing of independence of the Catalan people.
- Catalunya Acció maintains the compromise acquired since its foundation, promoting and collaborating in the construction of this Great Coalition for Independence, as the key factor in the strategy to achieve independence. Because of this compromise, Catalunya Acció will remain vigilant and alert that opportunistic, last minute climbers or infiltrates, always present in every political activity do not impair or manipulate this coalition project.Catalunya Acció
July 22, 2010
The International Court of Justice endorses processes of independence and affirms the that independence of Kosovo does not violate international law
We trust that we, all Catalans, know how to be at the level of the opportunity that is offering us the world of constituting ourselves in state.
Josep Castany
Counsellor Catalunya Acció and General Secretary Força Catalunya

We trust that we, all Catalans, know how to be at the level of the opportunity that is offering us the world of constituting ourselves in state.
Josep Castany
Counsellor Catalunya Acció and General Secretary Força Catalunya
July 18, 2010
UK Parliament MP presents motion recognising Catalonia as a nation. Laura Pous, CNA
The proposal expresses MP's concerns that Catalan democratic will has been over-ruled by the Spanish Constitutional Court and says that Catalonia should have the right to decide its own future.
London (CNA).- An MP has presented a motion in the Westminster Parliament in support for Catalonia and the Catalan Statute of Autonomy approved in the 2006 referendum. “Catalonia is a nation, that is how Catalans see it, and that is certainly how I see it from London”, said Plaid Cymru MP Hywel Williams, who presented the motion in Parliament. “The statement expresses our support and solidarity with the people in Catalonia”, said Williams, who noted the 'remarkable' demonstration of more than one million people that took place in Catalonia on July 10th.
The statement promoted by the Welsh MPs recognises 'the right' of Catalan residents 'to democratically determine their own future'. In fact, the protest on July 10th had the motto ‘We are a nation. We decide'. The text presented in the UK Parliament states that the protest in Barcelona was 'in favour of proper powers for Catalonia' and welcomes 'the continuing debate over the constitution of Catalonia'.
The motion expresses concern that 'future constitutional developments in Catalonia which take place with the support of the governments and people of Catalonia may face judicial review by organisations which are not neutral or independent'. The 2006 Statute of Catalonia was passed by the Catalan and Spanish Parliaments and voted on in referendum, but the Spanish Constitutional Court decided to cut 14 of its articles and reinterpret 23 others. The ruling reduced the scope of devolved powers in Catalonia and stated that Catalonia cannot be legally recognised as a nation because Spain is the state’s 'only nation'.
Williams argued that the Constitutional Court in Madrid has not been 'independent' in the ruling about the Statute of Catalonia. “We support decisions to be made in Catalonia and not to be subject to revision by people from outside”, he said. “It is important for us to make our views known as Welsh nationalists, and to show our solidarity with the people in Catalonia, and for the people of Catalonia to know where we stand”. Some Scottish and Irish MPs are also expected to support the motion, and Williams hopes that English MPs will also be sensible to the situation in Catalonia.
The motion expresses concern that 'future constitutional developments in Catalonia which take place with the support of the governments and people of Catalonia may face judicial review by organisations which are not neutral or independent'. The 2006 Statute of Catalonia was passed by the Catalan and Spanish Parliaments and voted on in referendum, but the Spanish Constitutional Court decided to cut 14 of its articles and reinterpret 23 others. The ruling reduced the scope of devolved powers in Catalonia and stated that Catalonia cannot be legally recognised as a nation because Spain is the state’s 'only nation'.
Williams argued that the Constitutional Court in Madrid has not been 'independent' in the ruling about the Statute of Catalonia. “We support decisions to be made in Catalonia and not to be subject to revision by people from outside”, he said. “It is important for us to make our views known as Welsh nationalists, and to show our solidarity with the people in Catalonia, and for the people of Catalonia to know where we stand”. Some Scottish and Irish MPs are also expected to support the motion, and Williams hopes that English MPs will also be sensible to the situation in Catalonia.
July 12, 2010
Towards the final victory
Celebrate today the title, because tomorrow Catalonia will celebrate its independence. Football is all what you have left of your "Empire".
As Catalonia is walking unstoppably towards freedom, stronger than ever, Spain can only offer misery, corruption, crisis, unemployment, bullfighting, flamenco and football.
Enjoy it while you can.
Jordi Margalef Turull
Member of Catalunya Acció
July 11, 2010
Força Catalunya
Catalonia was born to become a nation, not to become a province.
The presentation of the web of Força Catalunya may seem, at first glance, a purely political act. However, to understand and grasp its deepest sense, it is necessary to view it in a broader context; the transformation of the conscience that is happening worldwide, and especially, within our nation.
The old thinking, still present in large sectors of our population, is ruled by deception, error and fear. With the conception engendered by this conscience, people, Nature and nations are reduced to objects which can be manipulated and subdued. Whoever is anchored with this conscience oscillates between weakness and despotism, producing the old game of dominations, where some act as victims and may only beg for what it is already theirs, and others who erect themselves as owners of what it does not belong to them.
This old consciousness has furnished the world that we step in as we open our front door, switch the TV on and on reading the newspapers. A world so full of such flagrant contradictions that is cracking everywhere.
The new conscience that is emerging, without too much noise, recognizes the sacred character of human being, Nature and nations. All beings deserve of this honour. This new conscience originates a clear perception of profound order of the reality and the place every man and every nation occupies. It knows that the destiny of people and countries is determined by their capacity to well their own creativity for everything necessary. This conception of reality creates a new type of relationships, respecting and valuing the others, cooperating and enjoying together the material and spiritual wealth that everybody bears inside.
The political process that the Catalan Nation is living at this moment, it is inscribed in this paradigm of change, where all submissions, and specifically the national, are meant to be overcome. We have entered in a stage where an increasing number of Catalans are not willing to continue with our nation being a Cinderella. We want that Catalonia becomes the owner of its own History.
For dignity of Catalans, and precipitate this new conscience of free men that is joining together, we cannot continue allowing that foreign nations illegally take over the fruits of our intelligence and our work as it has happened for the last Centuries. In no time, it will be the Catalan Nation who shares its national genius, equal-to-equal, with the rest of nations of the world.
Making this change of conscience visible in our nation requires men and women who love every one of their acts in front of the country, men and women who catch their sacred character and have intimate conviction of their huge capacities. Men and women who transmit with their doing the pride of being Catalans and have courage to crown with success the task of freeing our nation. Men and women who be the honourable speakers of the Catalan Nation in front of the Humanity.
So, to precipitate the emergency of the men and women who incarnate this new conscience, is why Força Catalunya has been born.
Maria Torrents
Counsellor Catalunya Acció
The presentation of the web of Força Catalunya may seem, at first glance, a purely political act. However, to understand and grasp its deepest sense, it is necessary to view it in a broader context; the transformation of the conscience that is happening worldwide, and especially, within our nation.
The old thinking, still present in large sectors of our population, is ruled by deception, error and fear. With the conception engendered by this conscience, people, Nature and nations are reduced to objects which can be manipulated and subdued. Whoever is anchored with this conscience oscillates between weakness and despotism, producing the old game of dominations, where some act as victims and may only beg for what it is already theirs, and others who erect themselves as owners of what it does not belong to them.
This old consciousness has furnished the world that we step in as we open our front door, switch the TV on and on reading the newspapers. A world so full of such flagrant contradictions that is cracking everywhere.
The new conscience that is emerging, without too much noise, recognizes the sacred character of human being, Nature and nations. All beings deserve of this honour. This new conscience originates a clear perception of profound order of the reality and the place every man and every nation occupies. It knows that the destiny of people and countries is determined by their capacity to well their own creativity for everything necessary. This conception of reality creates a new type of relationships, respecting and valuing the others, cooperating and enjoying together the material and spiritual wealth that everybody bears inside.
The political process that the Catalan Nation is living at this moment, it is inscribed in this paradigm of change, where all submissions, and specifically the national, are meant to be overcome. We have entered in a stage where an increasing number of Catalans are not willing to continue with our nation being a Cinderella. We want that Catalonia becomes the owner of its own History.
For dignity of Catalans, and precipitate this new conscience of free men that is joining together, we cannot continue allowing that foreign nations illegally take over the fruits of our intelligence and our work as it has happened for the last Centuries. In no time, it will be the Catalan Nation who shares its national genius, equal-to-equal, with the rest of nations of the world.
Making this change of conscience visible in our nation requires men and women who love every one of their acts in front of the country, men and women who catch their sacred character and have intimate conviction of their huge capacities. Men and women who transmit with their doing the pride of being Catalans and have courage to crown with success the task of freeing our nation. Men and women who be the honourable speakers of the Catalan Nation in front of the Humanity.
So, to precipitate the emergency of the men and women who incarnate this new conscience, is why Força Catalunya has been born.
Maria Torrents
Counsellor Catalunya Acció
Labels:Força Catalunya
July 09, 2010
The meaning of Força Catalunya. July 8th 2010
With the objective of opening a real hope for the freedom of our Nation, at the beginning of 2005 Catalunya Acció was born, a project of political and national regeneration that has the non-negotiable aim of taking our country to independence around 2014.
From the very beginning, we wanted that the defining treats of the project were the uncorrupted fidelity to the spirit of our nation and to the fixed objectives, intellectual lucidity and pragmatism in the analysis of the causes and the exit ways of the actual national situation, courage to extend to all corners of our nation a brave and optimist discourse, making emphasis in our abilities and our will as determining elements for our national freedom, and clear leadership and strategy to achieve the objective. This strategy has been designed to start and converge the two factors that will vertebrate our independence; popular will and institutional will. Popular will is already in a dynamic process and has come out from its identity trench of the last thirty years to fight for the entity battle, clearly and without complexes. The ballot at Arenys de Munt, which has extended throughout the Nation and Catalans overseas are an irrefutable prove, makes evident that Catalans are not capable to tolerate the submission and humiliation what we live in for any longer. Catalans want a free and prosperous nation.
Arrived into this point, the question that everybody must ask themselves, and that must open the eyes to a lot of our compatriots, still confused, is; What is stopping our independence? The answer to this question is precisely the determining lesson in this process. And the answer is; all those who have made their way of life from the actual situation of submission of our Country and work, actively or passively, to box Catalonia into Spain, condemning us to an unavoidable national decadence. The exponent of this stoppage is the current Catalan political establishment.
It is in this point where Força Catalunya comes into action. It is conceived as another tool within the general strategy of Catalunya Acció. Força Catalunya is the electoral tool that has to play a determining role in the configuration of this institutional will. Without it, our wish for independence will always suffer from systematic frustration.
It is necessary that Catalans unveil their eyes, and painful as it might be, realize that the stoppage, the cap that obstructs our independence are the politicians seated in the Parliament of Catalonia. Ones because they are the right hand of Spain, and their politics pursue the provincialization of Catalonia, its disappearance as a Nation, and the others, for their coward collaborationism, that does not go further than begging for what has always belonged to the Catalan Nation but was taken by the force of the arms and the legal imposition.
The presence of Força Catalunya in the electoral Catalan map has to serve as catalyst for the new conscience that is growing throughout our nation to emerge, clearly and strongly. To become free men, loyal and incorruptible at the Nation's service. A consciousness that will substitute the old political conscience that has brought us to the actual cul-de-sac.
To make Independence possible and the deep national regeneration that our Nation needs, is essential a political regeneration, in other words, the substitution of the actual political class for men and women contrastedly loyal to Catalonia.
Because without a real and deep political regeneration it is impossible a national regeneration, which guarantees a dignified independence and assures the decolonization at all levels of the national life.
When the two wills, popular and institutional, become synchronized, and the men who incarnate this new consciousness of courage, integrity and service take the lead of the country, Independence will fall as a ripe fruit.
And, with the Catalan State, we shall have the instrument in our hands to reconstruct this divided, colonized and impoverished nation that we have inherited.
Political independence is, then, the necessary instrument to achieve not only material prosperity, but over all, to return us our own way of being, masked and deformed during so many centuries of domination. It is in this rooting in our national idiosyncrasy what will return us the pride of being Catalans, and by showing the creating spark and strength of character that beats in the heart of the Catalan nation, will explode the spiritual glory that our nation has shown in so many moments of its History.
The challenge that Força Catalunya has now is impressive. We know that it will not be exempt of difficulties, but our strength is powerful. The same spirit that was incarnated in Guifré, Oliba,
Ermessenda and the King James I for funding the Catalan Nation, Roger de Flor, Joanot Martorell, Llull or Muntaner for enlarging it, and Verdaguer and Macià for waking it up from the sleep is now alive among us and will conduct with no obstruction to the achievement of the freedom and regeneration of our Nation.
From the very beginning, we wanted that the defining treats of the project were the uncorrupted fidelity to the spirit of our nation and to the fixed objectives, intellectual lucidity and pragmatism in the analysis of the causes and the exit ways of the actual national situation, courage to extend to all corners of our nation a brave and optimist discourse, making emphasis in our abilities and our will as determining elements for our national freedom, and clear leadership and strategy to achieve the objective. This strategy has been designed to start and converge the two factors that will vertebrate our independence; popular will and institutional will. Popular will is already in a dynamic process and has come out from its identity trench of the last thirty years to fight for the entity battle, clearly and without complexes. The ballot at Arenys de Munt, which has extended throughout the Nation and Catalans overseas are an irrefutable prove, makes evident that Catalans are not capable to tolerate the submission and humiliation what we live in for any longer. Catalans want a free and prosperous nation.
Arrived into this point, the question that everybody must ask themselves, and that must open the eyes to a lot of our compatriots, still confused, is; What is stopping our independence? The answer to this question is precisely the determining lesson in this process. And the answer is; all those who have made their way of life from the actual situation of submission of our Country and work, actively or passively, to box Catalonia into Spain, condemning us to an unavoidable national decadence. The exponent of this stoppage is the current Catalan political establishment.
It is in this point where Força Catalunya comes into action. It is conceived as another tool within the general strategy of Catalunya Acció. Força Catalunya is the electoral tool that has to play a determining role in the configuration of this institutional will. Without it, our wish for independence will always suffer from systematic frustration.
It is necessary that Catalans unveil their eyes, and painful as it might be, realize that the stoppage, the cap that obstructs our independence are the politicians seated in the Parliament of Catalonia. Ones because they are the right hand of Spain, and their politics pursue the provincialization of Catalonia, its disappearance as a Nation, and the others, for their coward collaborationism, that does not go further than begging for what has always belonged to the Catalan Nation but was taken by the force of the arms and the legal imposition.
The presence of Força Catalunya in the electoral Catalan map has to serve as catalyst for the new conscience that is growing throughout our nation to emerge, clearly and strongly. To become free men, loyal and incorruptible at the Nation's service. A consciousness that will substitute the old political conscience that has brought us to the actual cul-de-sac.
To make Independence possible and the deep national regeneration that our Nation needs, is essential a political regeneration, in other words, the substitution of the actual political class for men and women contrastedly loyal to Catalonia.
Because without a real and deep political regeneration it is impossible a national regeneration, which guarantees a dignified independence and assures the decolonization at all levels of the national life.
When the two wills, popular and institutional, become synchronized, and the men who incarnate this new consciousness of courage, integrity and service take the lead of the country, Independence will fall as a ripe fruit.
And, with the Catalan State, we shall have the instrument in our hands to reconstruct this divided, colonized and impoverished nation that we have inherited.
Political independence is, then, the necessary instrument to achieve not only material prosperity, but over all, to return us our own way of being, masked and deformed during so many centuries of domination. It is in this rooting in our national idiosyncrasy what will return us the pride of being Catalans, and by showing the creating spark and strength of character that beats in the heart of the Catalan nation, will explode the spiritual glory that our nation has shown in so many moments of its History.
The challenge that Força Catalunya has now is impressive. We know that it will not be exempt of difficulties, but our strength is powerful. The same spirit that was incarnated in Guifré, Oliba,
Ermessenda and the King James I for funding the Catalan Nation, Roger de Flor, Joanot Martorell, Llull or Muntaner for enlarging it, and Verdaguer and Macià for waking it up from the sleep is now alive among us and will conduct with no obstruction to the achievement of the freedom and regeneration of our Nation.
Labels:Força Catalunya
July 08, 2010
Força Catalunya will be officially launched tonight
Tonight, during his speech at the dinner called, amongst others, by Suma Independència, Santiago Espot will present the official launch of Força Catalunya. The aim of Força Catalunya will be to obtain the independence of Catalonia around 2014.
The event will count with the attendance of several important leaders in the political struggle of Catalonia for its independence. Apart from Santiago Espot, the dinner will count with the presence of Enric Canela, professor at the University of Barcelona and founder of Suma Independència; Heribert Barrera, ex-president of the Parliament of Catalonia; Dr Moisès Broggi, surgeon, holder of the St George's Cross and Toni Strubell, grandson of the great Catalan doctor Josep Trueta,exiled in England at the end of the Spanish war, holder of the St George's Cross, and other personalities.
Its website can be accessed by clicking on this link
The contest for the Catalan elections has begun.
Força Catalunya!

The event will count with the attendance of several important leaders in the political struggle of Catalonia for its independence. Apart from Santiago Espot, the dinner will count with the presence of Enric Canela, professor at the University of Barcelona and founder of Suma Independència; Heribert Barrera, ex-president of the Parliament of Catalonia; Dr Moisès Broggi, surgeon, holder of the St George's Cross and Toni Strubell, grandson of the great Catalan doctor Josep Trueta,exiled in England at the end of the Spanish war, holder of the St George's Cross, and other personalities.
Its website can be accessed by clicking on this link
The contest for the Catalan elections has begun.
Força Catalunya!
Labels:Força Catalunya
July 02, 2010
Why are we not attending the demonstration?
We understand the reasons why a lot of supporters of the independence of Catalonia are wandering whether to attend the demonstration on July 10th. To shout "Independence!", marching besides other supporters of independence, protesting against the mistreatment we suffer from Spain, and so.
Catalunya Acció respects the right of people to attend this demonstration, that is only fair, but nonetheless, as an organization, we shall never go besides nor behind the maximum responsible, our political leaders, who have led our Nation to the current situation for their sickly obsession of fitting Catalonia into Spain. Being it in form of autonomism or federalism. This failure was already announced 30 years ago and now we are living, life, the last stages before the breakage.
If our regionalist politicians want to defend the "Estatut", they must move their arses and do the job we pay them to do, it means, from the Government and the Parliament. Our regional MP's only make contact with their people when they need to save their seats and their way of life.
The motto "right to decide" is very blurred and not compromised so that everybody can assume it for their interests. Some parties are already using it as an carrot slogan for the next elections. Some others are using it to keep the subsidies from the government, and the day after, everybody will interpret the demonstration as they want.
We do not want the "right to decide", it is already ours. Catalunya Acció wants independence and a Catalan State. The only hurdle to achieve it is the nuisance, the stop that represents the actual politician class, who feel very comfortable in Spain and who we must remove urgently if we want to have a prosperous and dignified future. The country is failing from the top and until we do not solve this problem, we shall remain in the actual hole.

Catalunya Acció respects the right of people to attend this demonstration, that is only fair, but nonetheless, as an organization, we shall never go besides nor behind the maximum responsible, our political leaders, who have led our Nation to the current situation for their sickly obsession of fitting Catalonia into Spain. Being it in form of autonomism or federalism. This failure was already announced 30 years ago and now we are living, life, the last stages before the breakage.
If our regionalist politicians want to defend the "Estatut", they must move their arses and do the job we pay them to do, it means, from the Government and the Parliament. Our regional MP's only make contact with their people when they need to save their seats and their way of life.
The motto "right to decide" is very blurred and not compromised so that everybody can assume it for their interests. Some parties are already using it as an carrot slogan for the next elections. Some others are using it to keep the subsidies from the government, and the day after, everybody will interpret the demonstration as they want.
We do not want the "right to decide", it is already ours. Catalunya Acció wants independence and a Catalan State. The only hurdle to achieve it is the nuisance, the stop that represents the actual politician class, who feel very comfortable in Spain and who we must remove urgently if we want to have a prosperous and dignified future. The country is failing from the top and until we do not solve this problem, we shall remain in the actual hole.
July 01, 2010
Catalunya Acció calls to not to attend the demonstration on July 10th
Catalunya Acció calls to not to attend the demonstration that is being summoned against the sentence by the Constitutional Court which cuts considerably the powers of the autonomous government of Catalonia.
Santiago Espot, CEO Catalunya Acció, has expressed his rejection to the demonstration summoned to July 10th, 'this sentence is very well deserved to all those who have kept us in a tangle, telling us that we had to do everything possible to live in Spain together. It is well deserved to all those who have been living from the idea that Catalans had to believe that the fitting of Catalonia within Spain was possible.
We shall now see whether they have the dignity and the courage necessary to do the same to Spain that Spain has done to them, giving a very loud slap on the face'.
No supporter of independence may attend a demonstration summoned by Jose Montilla. The same man who said not long ago that "we will fight any support for independence".
Santiago Espot, CEO Catalunya Acció, has expressed his rejection to the demonstration summoned to July 10th, 'this sentence is very well deserved to all those who have kept us in a tangle, telling us that we had to do everything possible to live in Spain together. It is well deserved to all those who have been living from the idea that Catalans had to believe that the fitting of Catalonia within Spain was possible.
We shall now see whether they have the dignity and the courage necessary to do the same to Spain that Spain has done to them, giving a very loud slap on the face'.
No supporter of independence may attend a demonstration summoned by Jose Montilla. The same man who said not long ago that "we will fight any support for independence".
June 23, 2010
Catalunya Acció sues Adidas
Catalunya Acció frames these actions as one step forward in its task 'for the Catalan sports teams and for the full normalization of our language'.
Catalunya Acció assures that, 'with all legal and democratic means conceded by the Estatute' will survey the companies supporting Spain, reserving the 'patriotic right and duty' to present such denounces.
June 22, 2010
Força Catalunya and I
It is habitual to hear that, in front of the possibility of creating a new political party, its possibilities to succeed are remotes, or near to impossible. To affirm this is to recognize the great power of the actual parties, and is understandable. Really, when somebody sees the acquisitive presence of the Parliamentary parties in the media, it is normal to think that beginning from scratch and compete with them is very difficult. We reduce it all to the minutes that we might appear on the screen. It seems like the dictatorship of the mass media is invincible. Talent and audacity without great informative coverage are sterile, we believe. I shall not be so ingenuous to negate the importance of a certain continuous presence in the media to have possibilities in an electoral contest. However, reading where the collective state of mind of the electorate is little consistent. Do we know what people want? How can we know it?
From a few years ago, the study of what people want is the centre of the strategy of the political parties within the Parliament. They have definitevely renounced to convince about an idea -any idea-, to make a simple discourse adapted to the most generalized opinion. Everybody plays the score of the surveys because nobody is able to change the collective state of mind. What is important is not what is best for the people but what is closest to what the surveys say. When everything reduces to tactics of percentages, discourses empoverish and people drive away of their leaders even though they believe they know what we think. They believe they know the thoughts of their voters, and abstention is majority. Either the surveys are wrong or politicians do not know how to say what the people want.
I may affirm that Força Catalunya will not be moved by surveys. Does Centre d'Estudis d'Opinió -important company that produces surveys- say that we are not enough supporters of independence? Ramon Llull affirmed "Qui no persevera, no va" -who does not persevere, does not go-. We will apply the recipe of the Majorcan wise man and we shall not lose our spirit until winning the great majority of Catalans. Our effort will be to make see the sons of Catalonia that not being the rulers of our own destiny, we cannot expect anything profitable. Do we have to openly denounce those who develop politics influenced by Spain and that will become a nuissance? We only know too well that by wanting to please people, no Nation has become free. As we do not ignore that occupied countries continue to be occupied because its native inhabitants are accomplices of the politics that make it possible. Will we have to face, openly and hardly, the Spanish and French power? We shall do so with the weapons of dialectics, courage and intelligence. Moreover, our discourse and attitude will denote the firmness needed to win respect from the enemies of Catalonia.
The message from Força Catalunya will be not complicated to be understood and will speak clearly, among other things, because we have had no contact with the official politics after francoism. We have neither set foot in any official office nor we have participated in any government.
Will we be told that only with a message for independence nobody can convince Catalans? There is not better political program than that who aspirates to freedom. In fact, in Catalonia, all politics that is not openly for independence is reactionary. This is why we have the obligation to constitute Força Catalunya. The tool of those Catalans who are not willing to lenghthen the beginning of the process that has to finish with the constitution of the Catalan State. The success will depend on all those who are willing to do take it. Those who alredy are in it and who will come.
Santiago Espot
CEO Catalunya Acció and promoter Força Catalunya
Published at El Punt (May 13th, 2010)
June 15, 2010
Speech by Daniela Grau at Elna, Northern Catalonia
Speech made by Daniela Grau, member of Catalunya Acció, on Sunday May 16th 2010, during the acts organized with the Institut de Projecció Exterior de la Cultura Catalana (IPECC) and the Elna Town Council, remembering the massacre of 1285 at the Cathedral of the city, one of the most cruel episodes of the French Crusade against Catalonia.
Cathedral of Elna
Dear Compatriots,
how lucky we are! -despite our secular disgraces as conquered nations, and still colonized -, being able to tell so many stories about our ancestors, with the Chronicle by Bernat Desclot in the 13th Century. Moreover, we may follow the formation of the first Counties, I mean, the very Catalonia itself. As for two historians specialists in the topic, J Bolós and V. Hurtado, we have in the Rosselló, Conflent, Vallespir and Fenollet more than 600 documents earlier that 991, more than any other region within the Caroligian Empire, which extended from the Elba to the Danube. We are the memory of Europe, so too in the Middle Ages.
Nowadays, the intellectual compromised proclaim the need of the Historical Memory. This is that the Maternity of Elna has become in the last few years the most coinciding place of memory in Northern Catalonia, where some 80 girls bear the name of Elna.
To encourage our people to remember the traumas of 1939, silenced for more than 70 years, is easier, more permissible, more successful than making more ancient traumas know, voluntarily manipulated or hidden for centuries, as it is generally our History. Because by not owning a Catalan State, not having own Government, we cannot have our own elaborated school teachings. We are ignorant of our own History and cannot extract any lessons.
In the case of the massacre of Elna -May 25th 1285- by French troops commanded by the King Philip le Hardi -stratagem-, there is, without a doubt, a supplementary reason to hide; the admittance of the responsibility and guilt of a traitor Catalan leader, and, the analysis of his reasons and not distorting the context, as it was done half a century later by another Chronicler, Ramon Muntaner.
Ignoring the mistakes is condemning oneself to repeat them.
Elna had not been besieged nor massacred should James II King of Majorca, Count of the Rosselló and the Cerdanya, Lord of Montpeller, unduly mystified as 'the good King James', had not betrayed his own word, if he had respected the agreement signed six years before with his brother, Peter, King of Catalonia-Aragon. James had compromised to help Peter against the enemies and to maintain the within Rosselló the Uses of Barcelona and the Constitutions of Catalonia. Elna had not been demolished, its women raped, children thrown against the walls, the churches burnt, had not been so ingenuous as to fall in the sarcastic traps of the French King, who had the consent and the help from the Pope, to take possession of Catalonia. James knew two years before about the massacre, July 1283, when the invasion of Catalonia was the target of the Papal Crusade. During the spring of 1285, the French King concentrated an army of such power as "from an earlier century, the French Crown had not joined". The day after Easter, King Peter came to Perpinyà to speak to his brother and to stop the invasion, but James, fatigued, confined for two days in his quarters and preferred to escape through the sewers of the Royal Palace of Perpinyà, abandoning his wife and sons, and seek refuge at la Roca.
The population opposed a heroic resistance. First, Salses, the border between Catalonia and France, then el Voló and finally Elna. The Crusade finished with the victory of the King Peter, called the Great, defeating the French at the Coll de Panissars -Albera, and the death of Philip le Hardi.
James II gave the Country to the enemy, because he trusted the supposed foreign ally instead of his own brother. He trusted a foreign power more than his own, the Catalan people. Ai las! Unfortunately for us, the cradle of Catalonia, its North, History repeated again, when the Rosselló was given as ransom. It was sacrificed in exchange of a supposed help from the French, who took profit by invading the territory. However, we continued heroically resisting the invaders during the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries, until the annexation to France in 1659.
And today, if we remain still here, 350 years after, is because we have remained loyal to Catalonia.
We wish, then, that this commemoration allow us to find again our memory and to reinforce the national conscience. Animating us to unmask the leaders who keep Catalonia under foreign rule, and may turn the owners of our destiny. We thank IPECC, the Institute for the Projection of the Catalan Culture for its participation, and Mr Garriga Trullols for his active collaboration. IPECC commemorates every year transcendental events for our History like the victory at Coll de Panissars and the memory of Francesc Macià at Prats de Molló, and contributes now to unveil the illustrious city of Elna, the ancient Iberian Illiberis, martyr city in the 13th century. As the historian Josep Termes said "the Nation is the result of the past and the History, but is also future will-power: Catalonia, independent State".
Daniela Grau
Elna May 16th, 2010
Labels:Catalan historical episodes
June 11, 2010
Only States may confederate.
Mr Duran i Lleida, to say 'I am confederalist', at this moment, and also in the last century, might sound very pleasant to win the votes of all those who are NOT INFORMED or others like you, who know that the confederation of Catalonia with Spain is impossible, because of the simple reason that Spain does not want to confederate. Spain does not even respect that shit of "Estatut" cut and planed of that 30th September (2006), still waiting for the sentence by the Constitution Tribunal.
When you say "I will not bring forward a ballot for independence during the elections", you have all the right of doing so, but what I think is that the facts and the freedom process of Catalonia will go through you, above and beyond Convergència and Unió, and your connivance with Spain will be uncovered and a lot of your voters, a lot of those who voted affirmatively for the independence of Catalonia will rethink very soon whether they have to give their support to a project that still trust the Spaniards, who, instead of preparing the rupture with that group of thieves and usurpers and the new Catalan State, helps Spain in the aim of destroying Catalonia.
Do not make us laugh, Mr Duran i Lleida, and do not embroil the unwary people, you should know -you know it well, though, that a Confederation is established between two sovereign States and not between two autonomous communities, so that if you are really 'confederalist', stop being silly and start working for the urgent independence of Catalonia and for the establishment of the future Catalan State. Then, you could prepare yourself for an eventual confederation with the other Catalan speaking, culture and tradition countries, demonstrating that you are not a true liar.
Catalan independence and its supporters will remove all regionalist traitors and collaborationists with the enemies of Catalonia.
Prepare yourselves, Mr Duran i Lleida and colleagues, your time is arriving. The time to settle up the matter with Catalonia.
Josep Vilalta.
President of Berguedans per la Independència de Catalunya
Salvador Molins
Member BIC and Counsellor Catalunya Acció
June 08, 2010
Now it is necessary to get the engines running for Independence from within the Parliament
To achieve our independence, two forces must be active. One comes from outside the Parliament, the other comes from within. Naturally, it is absolutely necessary that these forces target their objectives to one direction, the independence of Catalonia.
The forces from outside have already begun and are up and running to achieve it -Catalunya Acció, the ballots, 10Mil and other multiple organizations and platforms.
Now it is necessary to bring the discourse for independence to the Parliament, we need to start the second engine. So that is the task and goal for Força Catalunya.
Salvador Molins
Counsellor Catalunya Acció
April 21, 2010
The word 'fear' does not exist for Catalunya Acció
We often observe that there are many people who switch languages in front of who speak the language of the Spanish and French colonizers. Many wander how can they defend our own language in front of this swarm of linguistic deserters that populate the country. The answer, surely, has more than one explanation. But is necessary to remember that, after three centuries, Catalans have been subject continuously to the tyranny of the fear.
It is so that today, we collect the fruit of a constant persecution still suffered as a nation, as a language and as individuals with differentiated character and personality.
Fear is the result of a nothing but innocent strategy. Be it by the force of the arms, first, aimed to impose over an alien country, be it with legislation which obviates the original, the ultimate aim is to inflict in the colony's population the habit of fear, and doing it so that this population acquires and internalizes it to the point of believing that is an absolutely normal and unconscious behaviour. Fear might be unconscious, but is never normal.
In fact, though, how would we want that a country subject to wars, murders, persecutions, public punishments and mockery, looting and constant illegalities during three centuries? Few countries have suffered such fierce harassment for being simply people with their own personality. In the Mediterranean, for example, we might find a similar case with the besiege suffered by the Jews.
Despite this, how do we explain that the percentage of Catalans in support of independence of Catalonia is higher than ever? Apparently, if we judge by certain attitudes that speak about a presumably acquired fear, it might seem that the need for our independence would create certain mistrust. And it is because of that, the need to end everything that has caused these fears, that is when the urgency to stop and face the abuser is demonstrated. But, who takes the first step?
The word fear does not exist for Catalunya Acció. And we are ready.
Ready to initiate a process to break definitely with Spain and France.
Ready to break definitely with the abuser and all who, from Catalonia, collaborate with them.
Ready for independence to stop being politically orphan, and to begin the journey that will lead our flag to be flown among the rest of flags of Europe.
Ready to demonstrate to Spain, France and everybody, that never, ever, it is possible to destroy winning people.
Albert Ubach
Member Catalunya Acció
April 14, 2010
We are not only the 4 provinces

We cannot claim for a State and continue to be politically corrects, that is selfcensoring in order to please. This behaviour has kept us subject to the enemy. We speak about dignity, but we will not be dignified when the truth is distorted and behave as chained slaves.
The perspective of the National problematic, meaning the denounce of the National exploitation both to the territory within the French State -the poorest, with highest unemployment index in France's departments, and the territory within the Spanish State, is not only an ethical perspective, of respect to the historical memory, fidelity to the roots, agreement with a minority -the few non-colonized Catalans, but instead is a pragmatic view. May we afford to hide the truth when the survival as European Nation is so threatened?
We must tell the truth for three main reasons, on one hand to convince the rest of Europeans about the existence of the Nation; from the other hand, to obtain help from the other European Nations that strive to obtain their own State; and finally, to encourage and pride our own compatriots, who ignore, generally, the limits of our own territory.
Europe is conscious, from decades ago, of the problems of the border regions and tried to find solutions and giving development grants. But the next step is missing, recognizing that a lot of problems of these border regions hide national problems and that conceding money to regions that have no legal reconnaissance such as the Northern Catalonia -subject to the double colonialism from Paris and Montpellier, is a temporary patch.
In Europe, is only known the existence of the Catalonia as a region in Spain and its maximum claim is for autonomy. How may we convince them that we are not a region in Spain, that we want a Catalan State, if we do not inform them that we are a dismembered Nation, doubly oppressed from three centuries ago? Moreover, bringing up the double oppression both from Spain and France make the Basques, Bretons, Alsatians, Corses and the long list of nations colonized by France overseas potential allies.
Exposing the own cause as well as defending the cause of these others is not adding forces? Is it not the reinforcement of the credibility we want to achieve? How can we explain that we glorify ourselves for our universalism, defending peace and giving humanitarian aid all over the world and yet we cannot defend our own cause? How is that we prefer to minimize, dilute, remain within a provincial framework, instead of being the speakers for the colonized nations and more particularly in one self-satisfied so-called democratic Europe?
Both Pau Casals and Oscar Ribes knew how to take advantage of a worldwide spread message to refer to the existence of the whole Catalan Countries. They situated Catalonia in the linguistic and cultural field; now is the time to denounce the inner colonialisms in Europe, the negation of the existence of nations split by false borders, victims of occult identity genocides.
Not delimiting the territories of the Catalan Nation perpetuates the betrayal by Pujol's government who affirmed in big banners hung around the Alt Empordà: "som una nació, som 6 milions" -"we are a nation, we are 6 millions"- as if Catalonia began at La Jonquera. We, the excluded, the Northern Catalans, Majorcans, Valencians, Andorrans and from Alguer, cannot allow that our Catalanism is concealed by allegedly pragmatic reasons.
The true pragmatism in the 21st Century is to make discourses to break from three and a half centuries of colonization, having the self-awareness that we have been formatted to hide, to beg, to be pleased with minimalist vindications such as the Spanish Constitution, amnesty for the Francoist executioners, the "Estatut" already defeated fifty years ago, and now, the Nation limited to the four provinces.
The true pragmatism is to break with the colonial selfcensorship, spreading the legitimate reasons of our fight, conciliating our people.
Daniela Grau Humbert
Counsellor Catalunya Acció Northern Catalonia
April 09, 2010
The Spaniards and their 'sense of humour' against Catalonia
It is not new. It has happened already in recent times but we must talk about the same topic over and over.
Some small Spanish TV station -public, thus paid by Catalans too, has insulted the whole Catalan nation once more. With the excuse of the calling to public examination for teachers of Catalan by the Aragonese government, this TV station has made a supposed parody of this examination, urging the applicants to teach Catalan and 'everything it represents', such as 'mastering the stealing and blackmailing' apart from other disrespects against the Catalan language.
However, in front of such serious insults towards the Catalan people, none of the so-called 'defenders of the Catalan dignity', hence, politicians and other representatives, have come forward to demand an apology by the Aragonese TV channel or its politic representatives.
In front of such offense, Santiago Espot, CEO Catalunya Acció, has published the following public note as follows:
However, Spain do not tolerate that samples of similar 'parodies' come out from Catalonia. In July 2008, not long after the Spanish Government published the so-long waited fiscal balances, which officially certified that Spain plundered an 8.7% of the Catalan GDP -at least, because the method used was very dubious to the opinion of several well-renowned economists such as Ramon Tremosa-, Lluís Suné, local Councillor in Torredembarra (Catalonia), published this picture on his blog.

The legend "An 8.7% of the Catalan GDP is not enough. Sponsor a child from Extremadura for €1000/month", caused profound outrage in Extremadura, which initiated legal action against Suné. Lluís Suné then, had to delete the picture from his blog and publicly apologise for that.
Will we see similar action against form the Catalan Government for the aggression by Aragon against Catalonia? Probably not, because attack on Catalonia comes for free. Only very determined voices, like Santiago Espot, and Catalunya Acció, will never cease to denounce the attempts to offend our Nation.
Jordi Margalef
Member Catalunya Acció
Some small Spanish TV station -public, thus paid by Catalans too, has insulted the whole Catalan nation once more. With the excuse of the calling to public examination for teachers of Catalan by the Aragonese government, this TV station has made a supposed parody of this examination, urging the applicants to teach Catalan and 'everything it represents', such as 'mastering the stealing and blackmailing' apart from other disrespects against the Catalan language.
However, in front of such serious insults towards the Catalan people, none of the so-called 'defenders of the Catalan dignity', hence, politicians and other representatives, have come forward to demand an apology by the Aragonese TV channel or its politic representatives.
In front of such offense, Santiago Espot, CEO Catalunya Acció, has published the following public note as follows:
Barcelona, April 8th 2010. The public TV of Aragon has broadcast a gag of xenophobic character against Catalonia, branding Catalans as blackmailers. In front of such ignominious attack, the President of Catalunya Acció and promoter of Força Catalunya, Santiago Espot, has shown his indignation for the silence of all parties that should defend the dignity of Catalonia and that, in this deliberate attack from the public Aragonese TV, have not defended Catalonia.
In words by Santiago Espot, 'everything is a sample of the xenophobic character of the Spanish public media against Catalonia, which do not let escape any occasion to erode the dignity of our Nation'.
Santiago Espot added 'and it is in this sense that the passivity of the political establishment of our country, and our Government, has to be denounced. The Government that tolerates that a sister party -Aragonese socialists-, insult our country, this time through their TV station'.
To Santiago Espot, the Aragonese Government must end broadcasting this program that only represents an attack to the dignity of Catalonia.
However, Spain do not tolerate that samples of similar 'parodies' come out from Catalonia. In July 2008, not long after the Spanish Government published the so-long waited fiscal balances, which officially certified that Spain plundered an 8.7% of the Catalan GDP -at least, because the method used was very dubious to the opinion of several well-renowned economists such as Ramon Tremosa-, Lluís Suné, local Councillor in Torredembarra (Catalonia), published this picture on his blog.
The legend "An 8.7% of the Catalan GDP is not enough. Sponsor a child from Extremadura for €1000/month", caused profound outrage in Extremadura, which initiated legal action against Suné. Lluís Suné then, had to delete the picture from his blog and publicly apologise for that.
Will we see similar action against form the Catalan Government for the aggression by Aragon against Catalonia? Probably not, because attack on Catalonia comes for free. Only very determined voices, like Santiago Espot, and Catalunya Acció, will never cease to denounce the attempts to offend our Nation.
Jordi Margalef
Member Catalunya Acció
April 05, 2010
"Spanish should not be taught at all at schools in Catalonia", Prof Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera. Interview by Carles Bellsolà
Prof Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera, linguist.
He was born in Madrid and defends the linguist immersion in Catalan. The Professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera has published a book, "El nacionalismo lingüístico (Península) -The linguist nationalism (Peninsula), with a profoundly provocative thesis; the only linguistic nationalism existing in Spain is the Spanish. And that is very aggressive, as explained in this interview with, translated to English.
In what consists the linguistic nationalism?
The most common idea in Spain about nationalism, linguist and general, is the claims of a series of regions that have stuck to, in an obsessive and exaggerated manner, the idea that their language and culture had to be recognized. Because a lot of people consider that their language and culture are already recognized within the Constitution and, therefore, all this insistence correspond to a desire of differentiation that goes against the globalization of society.
But you, instead, sustain that there is a linguistic nationalism from Spain.
In headlining my book this way, surely there have been a lot of people who have read it wanted to reaffirm their ideas. To them, my book may be intolerable, because I demonstrate something hidden, the State nationalism. Which is not recognized as such because is parted from the fallacy that once the State is established, in this case, the Spanish State, all the expectations are exceeded, including those ethnic and of identity. I demonstrate in the book that this is absolutely false. Not only the State has not transcended the national question, but is based on one Nation, one culture and one specific language, that has continued to be the Spanish.
Therefore, which side gives more signs of nationalism?
It is that, following my definition of linguist nationalism, Catalan, Basque and Galician linguist nationalisms do not exist. Why? Because the main definition of linguist nationalism is to consider that the own language is superior to the others. Which makes no sense with strictly linguist reasons. This idea, originated by Menéndez Pidal, exists within the Castilian nationalism. But I fail to see it in the so-called Catalan nationalism, nor in the Basque or Galician. I do not see anybody who claimed that Catalan is superior than Spanish -linguistically.
Thing that is done by the Spanish nationalism, following your book.
The second defining feature is that, because my language is superior, I am doing the others a favour if I impose it to them. I do not perceive this in the so-called Catalan nationalism. Catalans do not pretend that Catalan is spoken in Malaga or Castile. I do not know any Catalanist defending this. Instead, Spanish do defend that Spanish dominates in Catalonia, and becomes the main language. But they disguise this discourse under the "communication language" or the "meeting tongue". In my book, the deduced idea is that, if we apply these criteria, the Catalan, Basque and Galician linguist nationalism do not exist. A lot of people have reproached that I do not criticize the "imposition of Catalan". But, what imposition? If I defend that Spanish has to be spoken in Castile, is that an imposition? Thus, if Catalans say that Catalan must be the main language in Catalonia, is that an imposition?
But Spanish nationalists do not openly manifest that Spanish must be the dominating tongue. What they do is argue about the individual rights of speakers.
We talk about about individual rights, but languages exist within a linguist community, not being isolated individuals. If I travel to Germany, I may have every right to speak Spanish but I must speak German. Because I am integrating on a community with linguist relations where German is prevailing. To speak about individual rights in linguist matters makes no sense. And when they criticize that Catalan acquires
In what consists the linguistic nationalism?
The most common idea in Spain about nationalism, linguist and general, is the claims of a series of regions that have stuck to, in an obsessive and exaggerated manner, the idea that their language and culture had to be recognized. Because a lot of people consider that their language and culture are already recognized within the Constitution and, therefore, all this insistence correspond to a desire of differentiation that goes against the globalization of society.
But you, instead, sustain that there is a linguistic nationalism from Spain.
In headlining my book this way, surely there have been a lot of people who have read it wanted to reaffirm their ideas. To them, my book may be intolerable, because I demonstrate something hidden, the State nationalism. Which is not recognized as such because is parted from the fallacy that once the State is established, in this case, the Spanish State, all the expectations are exceeded, including those ethnic and of identity. I demonstrate in the book that this is absolutely false. Not only the State has not transcended the national question, but is based on one Nation, one culture and one specific language, that has continued to be the Spanish.
Therefore, which side gives more signs of nationalism?
It is that, following my definition of linguist nationalism, Catalan, Basque and Galician linguist nationalisms do not exist. Why? Because the main definition of linguist nationalism is to consider that the own language is superior to the others. Which makes no sense with strictly linguist reasons. This idea, originated by Menéndez Pidal, exists within the Castilian nationalism. But I fail to see it in the so-called Catalan nationalism, nor in the Basque or Galician. I do not see anybody who claimed that Catalan is superior than Spanish -linguistically.
Thing that is done by the Spanish nationalism, following your book.
The second defining feature is that, because my language is superior, I am doing the others a favour if I impose it to them. I do not perceive this in the so-called Catalan nationalism. Catalans do not pretend that Catalan is spoken in Malaga or Castile. I do not know any Catalanist defending this. Instead, Spanish do defend that Spanish dominates in Catalonia, and becomes the main language. But they disguise this discourse under the "communication language" or the "meeting tongue". In my book, the deduced idea is that, if we apply these criteria, the Catalan, Basque and Galician linguist nationalism do not exist. A lot of people have reproached that I do not criticize the "imposition of Catalan". But, what imposition? If I defend that Spanish has to be spoken in Castile, is that an imposition? Thus, if Catalans say that Catalan must be the main language in Catalonia, is that an imposition?
But Spanish nationalists do not openly manifest that Spanish must be the dominating tongue. What they do is argue about the individual rights of speakers.
We talk about about individual rights, but languages exist within a linguist community, not being isolated individuals. If I travel to Germany, I may have every right to speak Spanish but I must speak German. Because I am integrating on a community with linguist relations where German is prevailing. To speak about individual rights in linguist matters makes no sense. And when they criticize that Catalan acquires
predominance in certain fields, do so because it entails the loss of the absolute domain, in these fields, of the Spanish. When they criticize that, even if they do not openly do so, are demonstrating what they are fearing is not that Spanish language disappear from Catalonia -nobody with a little common sense would think that Spanish might disappear from Catalonia, it is stupid, but in reality are expressing their fear that Spanish lost the absolute prevail in Catalonia.
Instead, there are studies that affirm that Catalan language is in danger of extinction.
It depends which languages is compared against. If we compare Catalan against Aragonese, it is not in danger of extinction. But Catalan has to be compared against other languages of similar demographic level. Catalan is a very important European language from the demographic point of view and is not in danger of extinction. However, is not the prevailing language within the Catalan Countries, this is clear. There are a lot of fields in which it has not been possible to achieve this domain. Understanding domain as nothing negative, but to be the tongue of habitual use, the language by defect. Logical. When two languages live together, advances against the most powerful one from the demographic, economic and political points of view are very difficult. It should never be said, though, that Catalan is out of danger, because it is in contact with Spanish.
Due to that reason, the measures to increase the use of the language like linguist immersion are appropriate?
The only linguistic immersion that I know is in Spanish. There is no linguist immersion in Catalonia. If the Catalan language is used at school, I find it normal. Might we say that teaching in Madrid in Spanish is linguist immersion? I would not say so. We understand immersion when an official language is not the tongue of the population and it is mandated to use that tongue at school, thing that occurs in several countries in the world. In Nigeria, the tongue at school is English, and every child that attends school must learn English, which is not spoken by any of the members of his or her family. Because English, and this is the question, is not the tongue of Nigeria, is was imposed by the colonial powers. But Catalan is not imposed by any colonial power, is the own tongue of Catalonia.
You, in your book, differentiate between additive bilingualism and replacing. Which is the case of Catalonia?
The bilingualism that is said to promote from the centre is theoretically additive. In other words, I add my tongue to the native and both live together. But in 90% of the cases, in reality, is a replacing bilingualism, in which the new language is pretended to substitute the native. If a Catalan child is educated in Spanish, in what there are a lot more books, TV programs, more opportunities, is promoted that the child said 'Now, I do not speak to my family in Catalan any more, because it is more interesting for me to speak Spanish well, it gives me more opportunities'. Precisely, Spanish must not be taught at schools in Catalonia. I know it is harsh, that a lot of people will criticize me for that, but it is true. In these moments, there is a profound disequilibrium in favour of Spanish. How do we correct that? Giving support to both languages equally? Then, the disequilibrium is maintained. The only solution is to give support to the native -own- language, and a lot more support than to the other one. It is evident.
There are other reasons invoked, such as 'market' or 'darwinist' reasons, as you said, to justify the prevail of one determined language.
The new discourse of nationalism is based upon economical criteria. It is said that there are tongues that have a big market and others that have a small one. This means using capitalism globalization criteria, seeing it all as markets, products and clients. This is how economies work, but we must not use this economic criteria in culture. It is like we say that at "Museo del Prado", one paint that has only been seen by 50 people must be taken to the basement because it has only been seen by a very few visitors. Culture is not economics, is something else.
Why do writers in Catalan sell so few books in Spain?
Spain has not assumed its multinational character. If true multilingual politics had been applied, children had been taught, at least, to read and understand the diverse tongues of the State. So that a literate adult would be able to read Josep Pla without having to read a translation. And a Catalan author might sell his or her work in Spain. So that Catalan authors would not think writing in Spanish. Now, logically, if a Catalan author wants to be read the maximum possible, ends up writing in Spanish. In this sense, the presence of Catalan is disappearing, and is only read in Catalonia. And even more, in little numbers.
How has your book been received in the rest of Spain?
Practically all reviews and interviews have been in Catalonia, Galice or the Basque Country. In the rest of Spain, the book has had practically no incidence. People like to read opinions that reinforce their own, not totally opposite ones.
Carles Bellsolà. 14/09/2008
Labels:Catalan language
March 30, 2010
Covering their privates
In a moment where there is a very deep crisis like now, the economic news proliferate in all media with supersonic speed and we barely have the time to separate the grain from the straw. Besides, the majority of people ignores the tricky mechanisms over which the experts pontificate their studies, is easy that we feel fooled. In fact, it is difficult to understand how is possible that if numbers are the same to everybody, one party reads them exactly opposite than the other party. Two plus two are four, whether you are right or left, people think.
In this mess of number and percentages, common people do not, and cannot, understand, it is thanked the clear words heard a few weeks ago to the economist, and Professor at the University of Barcelona, Gonzalo Bernardos, during a debate at Carlos Fuente's "Catalunya Opina", Canal Català. More or less, Prof Bernardos said that to begin to readdress the actual situation, the authentic reality of the Spanish banking sector had to be faced. Spanish banks have closed the tap to credits, which drags us towards a cul-de-sac, why? We must, then, ask. In a solitary sentence by Prof Bernardos, it is summarized; he affirms that in 2007 there were banks that had 85% of their credit conceded to the estate sector. Not long after, it has come the big downturn of this sector, and consequently, a few weeks ago, the President of the Superior Council of Chambers of Commerce, Javier Gomez Navarro, said that the estate companies in Spain owe a total of €350B, from which half are loans to buy land. Very good. In that respect, the very Prof Bernardos manifests that banks are doing "creative accountancy" to make up the fact that a lot of those plots of land that they financed are not worth, now, a 10%. All together, there is no need to have studied economics to preview that the banking sector in Spain is about to explode.
However, it has not been unique to Spain. He have all seen as the American and German governments have faced the situation and have tried to solve this cancer that was -maybe still is- rotting their financial structures. I shall not value whether they have done well or not but certainly, have made public the insides of the responsible of this chaos that has affected a great number of the companies and families. Contrarily, the internal situation of the Spanish and Catalan banks continues to be as impenetrable as the Mystery of the Holy Trinity. Why are so untouchable the figures of Botins and Forneses, when everybody guess that hide more sins than Barabbas?
I do not believe that the answer to this question is alien to an information appeared more or less a month ago, where it said that Banco de Santander accumulated debt from PSOE -Socialist Party of Spain- worth €30M. On the other side, "la Caixa" made the same with PSC -Socialist Party of Catalonia- but with a more modest figure, only €7.2M. When we see the generosity of these institutions towards who represent us, can start imagining why the governments look at the other side. How can they ask for responsibilities to whom saves them from bankruptcy? We are in front of one alliance politico-financier that invalidates any sign of authentic democracy. Who pays, rules. And PSOE and PSC are not exceptions. Their viability as political parties depends exclusively from a General Council to which they had to concede privileges to be able to finance and not having to close for administration. Do not come now with tales like popular sovereignty or similar things, because who really rule are a bunch of people with offices at the highest floors of the most emblematic buildings in Madrid and Barcelona. Talking about democracy, when the elected government are puppets in the hands of bankers who give or forgive debts when they want, is wanting to take us for granted and an insult to the intelligence of the voter. A partitocracy in the hands of a banking oligarchy is not a symptom of progress. It is a clear political and moral degradation. Does anybody like to keep voting Botin's butlers?
Santiago Espot
CEO Catalunya Acció
Article published at "El Punt", on March 29th 2010
In this mess of number and percentages, common people do not, and cannot, understand, it is thanked the clear words heard a few weeks ago to the economist, and Professor at the University of Barcelona, Gonzalo Bernardos, during a debate at Carlos Fuente's "Catalunya Opina", Canal Català. More or less, Prof Bernardos said that to begin to readdress the actual situation, the authentic reality of the Spanish banking sector had to be faced. Spanish banks have closed the tap to credits, which drags us towards a cul-de-sac, why? We must, then, ask. In a solitary sentence by Prof Bernardos, it is summarized; he affirms that in 2007 there were banks that had 85% of their credit conceded to the estate sector. Not long after, it has come the big downturn of this sector, and consequently, a few weeks ago, the President of the Superior Council of Chambers of Commerce, Javier Gomez Navarro, said that the estate companies in Spain owe a total of €350B, from which half are loans to buy land. Very good. In that respect, the very Prof Bernardos manifests that banks are doing "creative accountancy" to make up the fact that a lot of those plots of land that they financed are not worth, now, a 10%. All together, there is no need to have studied economics to preview that the banking sector in Spain is about to explode.
However, it has not been unique to Spain. He have all seen as the American and German governments have faced the situation and have tried to solve this cancer that was -maybe still is- rotting their financial structures. I shall not value whether they have done well or not but certainly, have made public the insides of the responsible of this chaos that has affected a great number of the companies and families. Contrarily, the internal situation of the Spanish and Catalan banks continues to be as impenetrable as the Mystery of the Holy Trinity. Why are so untouchable the figures of Botins and Forneses, when everybody guess that hide more sins than Barabbas?
I do not believe that the answer to this question is alien to an information appeared more or less a month ago, where it said that Banco de Santander accumulated debt from PSOE -Socialist Party of Spain- worth €30M. On the other side, "la Caixa" made the same with PSC -Socialist Party of Catalonia- but with a more modest figure, only €7.2M. When we see the generosity of these institutions towards who represent us, can start imagining why the governments look at the other side. How can they ask for responsibilities to whom saves them from bankruptcy? We are in front of one alliance politico-financier that invalidates any sign of authentic democracy. Who pays, rules. And PSOE and PSC are not exceptions. Their viability as political parties depends exclusively from a General Council to which they had to concede privileges to be able to finance and not having to close for administration. Do not come now with tales like popular sovereignty or similar things, because who really rule are a bunch of people with offices at the highest floors of the most emblematic buildings in Madrid and Barcelona. Talking about democracy, when the elected government are puppets in the hands of bankers who give or forgive debts when they want, is wanting to take us for granted and an insult to the intelligence of the voter. A partitocracy in the hands of a banking oligarchy is not a symptom of progress. It is a clear political and moral degradation. Does anybody like to keep voting Botin's butlers?
Santiago Espot
CEO Catalunya Acció
Article published at "El Punt", on March 29th 2010
The misery of being a colony
The prejudice and the consequences are already more important than the ones suffered in Barcelona, and they go beyond the economical loss -said to be millions. A hundred people have been intoxicated by the fumes of generators and at least one has died due to that. The reaction, however, from the media and the blogosphere, has been notably minor. Is it because there is tiredness and resignation, or is it because the main affected is not Barcelona but the region of Girona?
To see how thousands and thousands of people have to spend their days and nights without electricity and below zero temperatures, due to lack of maintenance of the towers for many years by Endesa and REE, results with a pathetic image, more seen in a Third World country than a developed one, and that not long ago saw itself as an European economical motor. Colonist politicians have tried to centre the debate in the need for Very High Tension line (MAT, in Catalan) which only pretends to play in the interests of those companies and evade their responsibilities in no guaranteeing the maintenance of those infrastructures giving public services managed from Spain and divert the public's attention from the real problems of the people. Only direct information from citizens who see this situation from the spot allows us to have an approximate idea of the reality; experiences from elderly or infants being cold, fishermen emptying the petrol tanks of their ships to feed the emergency generators of the Hospital in Palamos, isolated families without enough food or water, people looking for a hotel or asking other relatives for somewhere to sleep or take a shower. The numbers of the thousands of consumers without electricity are watered down because always hide that with every consumer, more people from the family, from the firm, the hospital or school are affected.
In the reports by VilawebTV "Apagats" -"Switched off"- and "Passen les hores i no torna la llum" -"Hours go by and the power is not back"-, we can see the adventures that people have to imagine to carry on without electricity. On Facebook, the affected have set up a group, where the indignation for the abandonment to which these people are subject is very noticeable.
All this is another symptom of the severe decadence to which Spain is leading us, fully consciously and premeditated if we do not act urgently. The solution, as pointed by Enric Canela in his weekly article on, has to be rebellion. A democratic rebellion that has already begun and that has more people reacting by adding themselves to the cause of recovering the freedom for Catalonia.
Published at "Es Poblat de'n Talaiòtic"
Labels:Economic plunder
February 26, 2010
Reasons for voting "Yes" to independence
Last February 19th, at the Sports Centre in Corçà (Baix Empordà, Catalonia), a conference was called by the commission organizing the polls for independence that will be held in this town on February 28th.
I take advantage of this place to reproduce the speech I made, as the representative of Catalunya Acció invited to this act, and also thank the assistant public and the organization for the hospitality received.
Good evening to everybody,
I would not like to begin my intervention before thank you for having invited Catalunya Acció to participate in this conference, and applaud, on behalf of the organization I represent, the poll for independence that you are organizing for February 28th.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am convinced that I am not wrong if I affirm that everybody gathered in this act -if not all of you, at least a great part- will go to vote for the independence of this country. In other words, I am convinced that on February 28th, Corçà will vote, mainly common sense. Because if something is represented by these ballots is exactly this, a popular expression of common sense.
It is true that these polls represent a democratic exercise too and are a thermometer that will measure the capacity of organization of the towns and cities despite the official silence that the politicians of this country have imposed to suffocate popular initiatives like these. But, above all this, even above the democratic exercise to convoke the people to referendum, there is a factor that make these polls more than an election anecdote, because they are, and so they must be, the primaries of our National Independence.
Because, nowadays, you will convene with me that Catalans have invested enough time demonstrating that are a democratic nation. As if Catalans, who have been one of the most old and glorious Nations in Europe, would not believe ourselves that being Catalan means to bring the democratic gene in the blood. So, I want to go one step beyond and encourage you to live these referendums as a page that you, as part of the Catalan Nation, are writing in History recovering our State. I invite you to take the relay to the spirit born in Arenys de Munt last September, taking the flame that that group of patriots -Mr Ximenis, today present too, was among them, lit up to spread around the Nation.
If Catalonia live today in a collective campaign of polls, is due -and I want to remind it explicitly, to the courage and conviction of a small group of people who demonstrated us how a whole country can be shaken up even when they had the wind against and nobody betting for them. Next February 28th, all you will have the opportunity and the responsibility to make that the spirit of Arenys de Munt continues advancing and settling the bases of our next National emancipation.
But nobody fool themselves. Nobody think that independence will come as a present from heaven. And even a friendly agreement among Spanish, French and Catalans. No! The battle for Independence will be, above all, the battle for the dialectics and oratory. Because, ladies and gentlemen, this war -because we are in a political and diplomatic war, but war, nevertheless-, will demand that we choose an army of political leaders able to confront, to the last consequences, the discourse and the French and Spanish State machine. This, dear friends, is impossible to find in this public trough and fodder spreading institution that one day was our beloved Parliament of Catalonia. This, there, now, is not to be found.
The time for those who do not speak clearly, with euphemisms, auto-censoring themselves, is over. The time of watering down our language and discourse is over. To recover this Nation's dignity is time to recover the adequate tone to express our national genius, the steadiness of our actions and the strength of our reasons. In fact, as I said in the beginning, let's impose common sense.
Our political, cultural, linguistic, social and economic future is in play. Let's be worthy of Catalonia and rise willing to conquer victory that History reserves only to those in those Nations that are called to win. If on September 13th, Arenys de Munt initiated the way to this victory, next February 28th you will become ambassadors of democracy, and will let the world know, and especially the rest of Europe, that very soon, within the heart of the European Union, a new flag will fly, symbol of freedom, justice and democracy; the four stripes of our beautiful and immortal Catalonia.
Many thanks.
Albert Ubach
Member of Catalunya Acció
Speech made at Corçà, (Baix Empordà, Catalonia), on Friday, February 19th 2010, with occasion of the poll for independence to be celebrated on February 28th 2010.
In this occasion, 80 towns and cities of Catalonia, will hold similar polls. The number of electors, older than 16, arrives to a little less than 300,000. The biggest town holding the ballot will be El Vendrell (Baix Penedès). With this second wave of ballots, the number of possible voters will increase to one million Catalans, and the speaker for the National Coordinator qualified it as the non-return point for independence in view of the third wave of polls, to be held on April 25th, in big cities like Lleida, Figueres, Reus, Girona and Manresa.
I take advantage of this place to reproduce the speech I made, as the representative of Catalunya Acció invited to this act, and also thank the assistant public and the organization for the hospitality received.
I would not like to begin my intervention before thank you for having invited Catalunya Acció to participate in this conference, and applaud, on behalf of the organization I represent, the poll for independence that you are organizing for February 28th.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am convinced that I am not wrong if I affirm that everybody gathered in this act -if not all of you, at least a great part- will go to vote for the independence of this country. In other words, I am convinced that on February 28th, Corçà will vote, mainly common sense. Because if something is represented by these ballots is exactly this, a popular expression of common sense.
It is true that these polls represent a democratic exercise too and are a thermometer that will measure the capacity of organization of the towns and cities despite the official silence that the politicians of this country have imposed to suffocate popular initiatives like these. But, above all this, even above the democratic exercise to convoke the people to referendum, there is a factor that make these polls more than an election anecdote, because they are, and so they must be, the primaries of our National Independence.
Because, nowadays, you will convene with me that Catalans have invested enough time demonstrating that are a democratic nation. As if Catalans, who have been one of the most old and glorious Nations in Europe, would not believe ourselves that being Catalan means to bring the democratic gene in the blood. So, I want to go one step beyond and encourage you to live these referendums as a page that you, as part of the Catalan Nation, are writing in History recovering our State. I invite you to take the relay to the spirit born in Arenys de Munt last September, taking the flame that that group of patriots -Mr Ximenis, today present too, was among them, lit up to spread around the Nation.
But nobody fool themselves. Nobody think that independence will come as a present from heaven. And even a friendly agreement among Spanish, French and Catalans. No! The battle for Independence will be, above all, the battle for the dialectics and oratory. Because, ladies and gentlemen, this war -because we are in a political and diplomatic war, but war, nevertheless-, will demand that we choose an army of political leaders able to confront, to the last consequences, the discourse and the French and Spanish State machine. This, dear friends, is impossible to find in this public trough and fodder spreading institution that one day was our beloved Parliament of Catalonia. This, there, now, is not to be found.
The time for those who do not speak clearly, with euphemisms, auto-censoring themselves, is over. The time of watering down our language and discourse is over. To recover this Nation's dignity is time to recover the adequate tone to express our national genius, the steadiness of our actions and the strength of our reasons. In fact, as I said in the beginning, let's impose common sense.
Our political, cultural, linguistic, social and economic future is in play. Let's be worthy of Catalonia and rise willing to conquer victory that History reserves only to those in those Nations that are called to win. If on September 13th, Arenys de Munt initiated the way to this victory, next February 28th you will become ambassadors of democracy, and will let the world know, and especially the rest of Europe, that very soon, within the heart of the European Union, a new flag will fly, symbol of freedom, justice and democracy; the four stripes of our beautiful and immortal Catalonia.
Many thanks.
Albert Ubach
Member of Catalunya Acció
Speech made at Corçà, (Baix Empordà, Catalonia), on Friday, February 19th 2010, with occasion of the poll for independence to be celebrated on February 28th 2010.
In this occasion, 80 towns and cities of Catalonia, will hold similar polls. The number of electors, older than 16, arrives to a little less than 300,000. The biggest town holding the ballot will be El Vendrell (Baix Penedès). With this second wave of ballots, the number of possible voters will increase to one million Catalans, and the speaker for the National Coordinator qualified it as the non-return point for independence in view of the third wave of polls, to be held on April 25th, in big cities like Lleida, Figueres, Reus, Girona and Manresa.
Labels:Ballots for independence
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