August 13, 2010
Why is it never the time?
"Preludi de la independència" -"Prelude of independence"- was published eighteen years ago, by Carles M. Espinalt, and its first sentence is "There are a lot of people who would like that nobody could hear not even the first note [of the Prelude]". The author is referring to those who strive to stop that support for independence for our nation concretes clearly and effectively. In other words, those who always want that the axis of our politics span around our role within this failed entity called Spain. But, how do they act to make their obsession effective? In the first chapter we may also read "Often, cowards, to not to stand out, are the most interested to silence the voices of the courageous". Who is the author talking about? Who are those pusillanimous that mask their own fears with excuses?
When Carles M. Espinalt wrote these words, it was the time when Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania declared their independence, which made Catalans see that nothing was untouchable in matter of borders. If a few little nations became independent from the mighty second world super-power, what obstructed Catalonia from doing the same with regards to Spain? Thought a lot of Catalans. Those were also the days of the majorities of Jordi Pujol, who, foreseeing a spread of the Baltic independence feeling around Catalonia, ran to manifest "Catalonia is like Lithuania, but Spain is not the USSR". Another way to abort a prelude of the independence of Catalonia, and at the same time, wash the face of who he robs, swears at and wants to make you disappear.
Years go by, faces and governments change, but the contraries to the prelude continue to make their way. It seems like they pass the relay to each other, generation to generation. Now, Catalans have not needed to look at Northern Europe to see how feasible is to create a Catalan State in a relatively short period of time. We only had to follow the example of the brave town of Arenys de Munt to believe in our own capabilities and sing the loudest prelude of independence of Catalonia. We are listening to it with all the force given by hundreds of thousands of voices who, strongly, have filled the ballot boxes of the polls celebrated throughout the Principality. "Finally!", "We are touching it!", "Nothing can stop us now!" are the most common expressions heard in these times. And this crescendo finally exploded in the biggest demonstration supporting independence never dreamt on July 10th. In front of everything, how could these Catalan voices, full of courage and hope be suffocated?
Pujol's political offsprings have tried again, by utilizing the same false paternalist used by their father when he wanted to take out our heads the example of the ex-Soviet Republics. Now, the phrase has been "we are not ripe enough to hold a plebiscite for independence", and they have have aborted any remote possibility to convoke a referendum for the independence of Catalonia. The same people who a few days earlier had admitted a people's initiative (IP) to organize a referendum, based on the Consultation Act, and now they retreated. What has happened? This proposition was initiated as a simple speculation to win the votes of those willing to break with Spain. The problem, though, is that after the demonstration on July 10th in Barcelona, these votes would get the majority and would mean the compromise to start a secession process. And this is a big problem for who does not see Catalonia beyond a sad condition of "Autonomous Community" within Spain and never believes that the time for a Catalan State has arrived. Spanish stability is always priority and the freedom of Catalonia is left eternally in a second or third plane. When elections are close, they put on the mask of Macià to hide their real face of Cambó. They are always who want the abortion, at all price, of the prelude of the independence of Catalonia.
Santiago Espot
CEO Catalunya Acció, promoter Força Catalunya
Published at "El Punt", July 22nd 2010
When Carles M. Espinalt wrote these words, it was the time when Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania declared their independence, which made Catalans see that nothing was untouchable in matter of borders. If a few little nations became independent from the mighty second world super-power, what obstructed Catalonia from doing the same with regards to Spain? Thought a lot of Catalans. Those were also the days of the majorities of Jordi Pujol, who, foreseeing a spread of the Baltic independence feeling around Catalonia, ran to manifest "Catalonia is like Lithuania, but Spain is not the USSR". Another way to abort a prelude of the independence of Catalonia, and at the same time, wash the face of who he robs, swears at and wants to make you disappear.
Years go by, faces and governments change, but the contraries to the prelude continue to make their way. It seems like they pass the relay to each other, generation to generation. Now, Catalans have not needed to look at Northern Europe to see how feasible is to create a Catalan State in a relatively short period of time. We only had to follow the example of the brave town of Arenys de Munt to believe in our own capabilities and sing the loudest prelude of independence of Catalonia. We are listening to it with all the force given by hundreds of thousands of voices who, strongly, have filled the ballot boxes of the polls celebrated throughout the Principality. "Finally!", "We are touching it!", "Nothing can stop us now!" are the most common expressions heard in these times. And this crescendo finally exploded in the biggest demonstration supporting independence never dreamt on July 10th. In front of everything, how could these Catalan voices, full of courage and hope be suffocated?
Pujol's political offsprings have tried again, by utilizing the same false paternalist used by their father when he wanted to take out our heads the example of the ex-Soviet Republics. Now, the phrase has been "we are not ripe enough to hold a plebiscite for independence", and they have have aborted any remote possibility to convoke a referendum for the independence of Catalonia. The same people who a few days earlier had admitted a people's initiative (IP) to organize a referendum, based on the Consultation Act, and now they retreated. What has happened? This proposition was initiated as a simple speculation to win the votes of those willing to break with Spain. The problem, though, is that after the demonstration on July 10th in Barcelona, these votes would get the majority and would mean the compromise to start a secession process. And this is a big problem for who does not see Catalonia beyond a sad condition of "Autonomous Community" within Spain and never believes that the time for a Catalan State has arrived. Spanish stability is always priority and the freedom of Catalonia is left eternally in a second or third plane. When elections are close, they put on the mask of Macià to hide their real face of Cambó. They are always who want the abortion, at all price, of the prelude of the independence of Catalonia.
Santiago Espot
CEO Catalunya Acció, promoter Força Catalunya
Published at "El Punt", July 22nd 2010
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