November 01, 2010

The lipdub for independence of Catalonia achieves world record

With a final participation of 5771 people, the lipdub for independence in the city of Vic (Principality of Catalonia), has been awarded the world largest participation ever in a lipdub by the World Records Academy.

Catalunya Acció UK would like to congratulate the participants for having achieved the award, showing that the wish for independence in Catalonia is stronger than ever.

To watch the full video, click on

Addendum: Subtitles in several languages, translating the lyrics can be inserted, clicking the icon "cc" that appears at the bottom bar on the video.


  1. What will be very good is if independence is achieved without bloodshed and violence. If the catalans rise above the actions of spain such as comments on immersion in catalan is a path to drugs and crime. Hold your heads high and walk away taking the better path and not letting your goals make another ireland full of blood and tears, but a country of kindneSs and love where children grow happy not scared. I wish you luck but hope you won't condemn all spanish the same as you have been treated!

  2. Visca Catalunya lliure amb Joan Laporta //*//
    Marc Sabatés.


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