August 17, 2013

Catalunya Acció supports Julie Girling MEP


Catalunya Acció supports Mrs Julie Girling MEP with her proposal for a boycott to Spain within the conflict of Gibraltar and will ask her to make it extensive to the bid of Madrid 2020, for all Member States of the Commonwealth to vote accordingly.

Mrs Julie Girling MEP encouraged all British citizens to a tourist boycott to Spain, and thanked all the support showed from Catalonia towards the Government of Gibraltar. In addition, Mrs Girling recommended her compatriots to spend their holidays in Catalonia instead of Spain. We must appreciate this gesture of sympathy from European politicians to Catalonia, which are not usual, and Catalunya Acció would like to thank Mrs Girling for this.

On the other hand, on July 18, different organizations supporting the independence of Catalonia -Catalunya Acció was amongst them, presented the campaign "There will be no Madrid 2020 if there is no Catalonia 2014", where there was presented a boycott to the Olympic bid Madrid 2020 if the Spanish government continued not authorising a referendum for independence of Catalonia in the next year. About this question, we said in our manifesto that a State that denies democratic rights of Catalans can not organise a universal fraternity event like the Olympic Games. We may now see that Spain wants to despise the overwhelmingly wish of the inhabitants of Gibraltar to continue being British citizens too.
It is because of this that Catalunya Acció will propose to Mrs Girling that this campaign was extended to all Members of the Commonwealth in the following days. So that their representatives to the IOC voted in favour of other cities in the extraordinary session to be held at Buenos Aires, on September 7.

Catalunya Acció
Barcelona, 16 August 2013


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