June 07, 2012
Capitalise the convulsion
Historically, great changes always happened in moments of great political convulsion. The moments when all the structures that seemed unchangeable become vulnerable. Another feature of this type of situations is the great speed in which it occurs, like a glimpse. This is the moment of those who are pursuing to turn the events over, as long as they have the shrewdness and the cleverness to see and face them. And now, Catalonia is starting to have, in front of the eyes, another of the opportunities to reverse its History and become an independent nation.
No doubt that the economic downturn embraces Catalan politics, and every day more people see that Catalonia, without the looting perpetrated by Spain, would not be in the actual situation. The protest of this ignominy officially called "fiscal deficit" has begun to materialize in the campaign against tolls (I don't want to pay). Moreover, this is a direct attack against the financial power of Catalonia -la Caixa is the biggest shareholder of Abertis, that passively collaborates with Spain perpetuating the robbery against Catalonia. When the people defy their oligarchy, everything is possible.
And political power is worse than the financial power. Let's see how damaged the maximum Spanish authority has resulted from his African adventure. All the slimy propaganda from the political class and journalists, consisting in spreading Juan Carlos I's virtues of statesman have demonstrated to be a vulgar lie. It is more clear than ever that the Monarch is a scoundrel, exactly like everyone in his dynasty. Spanish monarchy is discredited due to a series of turbulent affairs.
Meanwhile, Spanish People's Party government accentuates its colonial politics against Catalonia and Catalan president Mas has every day less margin to manoeuvre. Rajoy and his team have abandoned any disguise against Catalonia because the Spanish public opinion is eager to finish with the minidevolution in Catalonia. In front of this offensive, CiU continues with its 5th division tactics, based on throwing periodically a message, allegedly for independence, but that nobody believes, neither in Madrid nor in Barcelona. It is clear that we are close to a power void, because it is very difficult to see anybody who could guarantee that Catalonia would not turn against Spain.
Everything is making everybody feel a collective climate of tiredness of a situation that everybody knows impossible to sustain. Now it is the time of new plans, courageous attitudes and, especially, to stage and assume the conflict we have with Spain. Bury our heads in the sand, saying that this is a simple game in Parliament is not believable any longer. We must say now that this is a conflict between two nations. One that wants the suffocation of the other, by any means at reach. In the past it was through cannons and shootings at dawn, now it is through judge's verdicts.
Santiago Espot
Executive President Catalunya Acció
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