Building victory III
Content and form of the political discourse of victory
What has to be the political discourse to bring Catalonia to victory? May a discourse take a country to independence?
Not long ago, the eminent Doctor Joan Solà went up the podium for the speakers at the Parliament of Catalonia and starred one of the most graphical acts in the last times; a publically telling off, at their faces, of the Members of the Catalan Parliament who do not represent the people who are said to represent any longer. And even more graphical was the fact that, at the end of his speech, the Catalan MP’s applauded, standing up as if, in the last minute, they resist to bow ashamed.
Without a doubt, this is one of the most representative images of how necessary the political regeneration of the country becomes an urgent need if we do not want to perpetuate our Parliament in this constant circus of political miseries.
Pointing out Catalan political agenda
We do not want anybody to fool themselves; the battle for independence will be won by the oratory strength of our leaders we elect to free her. It does not exist such “calm divorce from Spain and France” that CiU and ERC have claimed for so long.
Four years ago, when Catalunya Acció was born, we knew what we were talking about when we stuck to starting the political regeneration that the country needed if we wanted to break with the encasing madness of our Parliamentarians. Because to take back the country we have inherited after thirty years of nonsense we must develop an exercise of responsibility to impulse a new political style, separated from who has participated in such National breakage for such a long time.
Today, after the presentation of Força Catalunya last spring, we must celebrate that, as inspirers of this political regeneration, the Catalan political agenda of whom aspired to renovate the political discourse will have to be marked, invariably, by the way Catalunya Accio is marking from a long time.
The dialectical battle, battle for victory
But if regenerating politics asks for new faces who have not participated in the National breakage that we have inherited, the first step begins by building a discourse of renovation that shatters the forms and pusillanimous attitudes from who we are used to. Yes, we must bet for touching, vibrant, burning politics. And it must be recovered, too, a dose of necessary aggression to win the dialectical battle that Catalonia must fight in the next few years.
We have the historical opportunity to break with the past and the present, and make it not by being spectators but the makers of the dialectical combat to which Catalonia must be prepared to in the near future. And nobody had any doubts about that, this battle will be only won by the most prepared side, the most able to create the best discourse, the best oratory and the maximal political audacity.
This is the discourse of victory. And all with the aim of returning this country to her condition of European State, beginning by never again having to see as one of the most eminent figures of this country, Dr Joan Solà, had to remind us what is the authentic face of shame.
Albert Ubach
Member of Catalunya Acció
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- One day, a Catalan must break Spanish legality!
- The heroes of Arenys de Munt
- Building victory II
- Spain forbids the exercise of democracy by the Cat...
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