April 22, 2011

The United States of America endorse the linguistic immersion in Catalan

La Secretària Clinton, durant la presentació de l'informe anual sobre els drets humansThe USA have endorsed the linguistic immersion in Catalan, in their 2010 annual report on Human Rights. The American Secretary of State considers that "there have been cases where Catalan speakers have shown worries by the fact that Catalan language does not receive the same treat of favour".

In this sense, they report that "this Government, as well as the previous one, have endorsed the actual educational model and sustain that the decision by the Supreme Tribunal refers to three determined cases and that the actual Catalan linguistic policies are adequate. The Spanish Supreme Tribunal sentenced that Spanish language should prevail in all communications and classrooms in Catalonia. Catalan leaders in favour of the actual model of immersion affirm that pupils end up having the same knowledge of Catalan as well as of Spanish".

Ultimately, about Catalan exams for University lecturers, it is highlighted that "the Decree allows Universities to waive this requirement for personnel working full-time in research or lecturers who teach in a foreign language, so not to lose talented lecturers and professors. Universities may delay this exam for a period of two years after the effective start of the contract".


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