February 08, 2011

Inauguration of the four columns by Puig i Cadafalch

On Sunday, February 27th 2011, at 11:30 hours, Montjuïc, Barcelona.

Finally, the day of the inauguration has arrived, and we ask for your help to spread the good news amongst your contacts. It not like any other day and not like any other inauguration. It is a historical date.

The restitution of an emblematic monument demolished by that Spanish dictator (Primo de Rivera) who could not allow its symbolism of the four Catalan paly. After 72 years, we have achieved to revoke their will of annihilating our most emblematic and magnificent ensign of identity, reinstituting it almost in its original place.

Yes, our ensign of identity, our will to exist so criticized nowadays by all those who, from within and from the outside, would like another one.

Reasons for the restitution:

  1. To honour the memory of all those men and women who have fought for our National freedom.
  2. Because it is the most representative monument of our Nation.
  3. Because it is an act of self-esteem and Historical affirmation.
  4. Because democracy has to recuperate what a dictatorship demolished for being a symbol of Catalonia.
  5. Because it is an important part of our Historical memory.
  6. Because it was heritage of great value, linked to Mediterranean and Hellenic cultures, universal values that fund Western culture.
  7. Because the restitution of these columns is a reaffirmation of our nationality in front any dictatorship.
For all these reasons, we ask for your collaboration and do everything possible to spread these good news, precisely in a moment when, actual Spain nationalism, in the same way of Primo de Rivera or Franco, wants to take us to the times where we need to ask for mercy for being Catalan. It is the time now to increase our self-esteem.

Many thanks for your collaboration.

Enric Pedrosa. President Associació J-N Roca Ferreras

Original columns and pictures from their demolishing


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