April 30, 2012
CiU: the servile maid
The revolt of the tolls has been very useful. To see that there are a lot of Catalans who are not willing to put the other cheek. To see that the authentic government in Catalonia belongs to "la Caixa". To see that there are three Catalan MP's who have dignity and position themselves along their people by resigning of their "Teletac" -device that allows the car to pass through a toll without stopping. But, especially, has been useful to know what is the true vocation of the main ruling party in Catalonia, that is not to rule as they want us to see. Their vocation is to be the landlord's maid, be it Spain or a corporation like "Abertis".
The Government of CiU is very well used to follow orders. In the case of the feudal masters Abertis and la Caixa -that continue with the medieval usage of making pay to go through a road, they have run swiftly to please them. And to do so, they have recovered a 1972 law, from the Franco era, that gives the collectors of the tolls almost the same powers as the Civil Guard. This time, their role of guardians of the ghetto has achieved maximal excellency. Only a phonecall from the high management from the company directed by Salvador Alemany has been necessary to threaten the Catalans who do not want to pay tolls.
The maids CiU, cap included, say that they have to keep legality to justify the €100 fines. This domestic service, so legalist, is the same one that would like to trick all Catalans by saying that deeply, they are supporters of independence too. They must believe that Catalans are as dumb as they are and do not know that to become a free country it is necessary to break Spanish legality. Do they think that they will deceive us? If only because of a little skirmish about tolls they place next to the master, what would they do in case of independence? With no doubt, they will place next to Spain, and nothing else. Because of course, law should be guaranteed, and this at this moment, is only Spanish.
This is the real CiU and not the jolly weekender nationalist. They would sing and dance because the master is at the apartment at the beach and allows them to have fun. But during the week, when the job must be done, if Mr Alemany, Fainé or Bourbon ring the bell, they must attend their will.
Catalans might continue voting these maids that get drunk every weekend with wine and spirits, and sing "Visca Catalunya Lliure!" and end up like them, being a nation of maids that get the runs in front of the first threat. I do not believe that the majority of Catalans have this vocation, simply because these days I have seen a lot of compatriots saying "enough" at the toll booths. These gestures dignify the sons of the nation and scare all those who would like to say "yes" to anything. Next Tuesday, May 1st, we will have the opportunity to say "I don't want to pay" #novullpagar massively. When a nation says collectively "NO", no wretched maid can stop their freedom.
Santiago Espot
CEO Catalunya Acció
The Government of CiU is very well used to follow orders. In the case of the feudal masters Abertis and la Caixa -that continue with the medieval usage of making pay to go through a road, they have run swiftly to please them. And to do so, they have recovered a 1972 law, from the Franco era, that gives the collectors of the tolls almost the same powers as the Civil Guard. This time, their role of guardians of the ghetto has achieved maximal excellency. Only a phonecall from the high management from the company directed by Salvador Alemany has been necessary to threaten the Catalans who do not want to pay tolls.
The maids CiU, cap included, say that they have to keep legality to justify the €100 fines. This domestic service, so legalist, is the same one that would like to trick all Catalans by saying that deeply, they are supporters of independence too. They must believe that Catalans are as dumb as they are and do not know that to become a free country it is necessary to break Spanish legality. Do they think that they will deceive us? If only because of a little skirmish about tolls they place next to the master, what would they do in case of independence? With no doubt, they will place next to Spain, and nothing else. Because of course, law should be guaranteed, and this at this moment, is only Spanish.
This is the real CiU and not the jolly weekender nationalist. They would sing and dance because the master is at the apartment at the beach and allows them to have fun. But during the week, when the job must be done, if Mr Alemany, Fainé or Bourbon ring the bell, they must attend their will.
Catalans might continue voting these maids that get drunk every weekend with wine and spirits, and sing "Visca Catalunya Lliure!" and end up like them, being a nation of maids that get the runs in front of the first threat. I do not believe that the majority of Catalans have this vocation, simply because these days I have seen a lot of compatriots saying "enough" at the toll booths. These gestures dignify the sons of the nation and scare all those who would like to say "yes" to anything. Next Tuesday, May 1st, we will have the opportunity to say "I don't want to pay" #novullpagar massively. When a nation says collectively "NO", no wretched maid can stop their freedom.
Santiago Espot
CEO Catalunya Acció
Labels:I don't want to pay
April 29, 2012
Impressive success of the campaign "I don't want to pay"
Despite the Catalan Government threatening with fining the drivers who "do not want to pay" at the tolls, the campaign continues.
Catalan Government, positioning itself alongside the looters of Catalonia, has published a note in which it is advised to abide by legality and pay for the tolls or face a minimum €100 fine.
Several lawyers have already spoken about the flagrant illegality that is about to be committed by the Government should they are to proceed with the fines, and the General Secretary of Solidaritat Catalana per la Independència (SI) Uriel Bertran CMP, in press conference has promised to counter sue these fines for "corruption and abuse of power". Also, Mr Bertran has qualified this measure of "fake" because the "actual legal framework does not protect the decision by the Government and has recommended all Catalans to close their accounts at "La Caixa".
"La Caixa" is principal shareholder at "Abertis" -concessionary of the tolls, and directors and high ranked managers of "La Caixa" and "Abertis" form part of Convergència i Unió, the ruling party in Catalonia at the moment.
At this moment, the campaign counts with several thousands of followers who have not paid at tolls and the numbers are still growing.
A big concentration is called on May 1st to gather people demonstrate that Catalans "do not want to pay" abusive tolls to circulate through motorways in Catalonia.

Catalan Government, positioning itself alongside the looters of Catalonia, has published a note in which it is advised to abide by legality and pay for the tolls or face a minimum €100 fine.
Several lawyers have already spoken about the flagrant illegality that is about to be committed by the Government should they are to proceed with the fines, and the General Secretary of Solidaritat Catalana per la Independència (SI) Uriel Bertran CMP, in press conference has promised to counter sue these fines for "corruption and abuse of power". Also, Mr Bertran has qualified this measure of "fake" because the "actual legal framework does not protect the decision by the Government and has recommended all Catalans to close their accounts at "La Caixa".
"La Caixa" is principal shareholder at "Abertis" -concessionary of the tolls, and directors and high ranked managers of "La Caixa" and "Abertis" form part of Convergència i Unió, the ruling party in Catalonia at the moment.
At this moment, the campaign counts with several thousands of followers who have not paid at tolls and the numbers are still growing.
A big concentration is called on May 1st to gather people demonstrate that Catalans "do not want to pay" abusive tolls to circulate through motorways in Catalonia.
Labels:I don't want to pay
April 27, 2012
"I don't want to pay"
In Catalonia, there are 303 km (33%) of free motorway versus 617 km (67%) of tolled motorways.
In Madrid, there are 17 km of tolled motorways (3.4%) versus 483 km (96.6%) free.
Andalusia has 192 km of tolled motorways (12.8%) versus 1308 km (87.2%) free of payment.
Extremadura has no tolled motorways.
The situation in Valencia is worse than Catalonia, as they only have one free motorway connecting Valencia with Madrid.
Loads of Catalan motorists have started the campaign "I don't want to pay". They do not want to pay any longer for the free motorways that have been built in Spain for profit of unproductive areas of Spain, all with money coming from Catalonia.
There will be a coordinate demonstration on May 1st, midday, where several thousands of motorists will not pay at the following tolls:
Visca Catalunya!
In Madrid, there are 17 km of tolled motorways (3.4%) versus 483 km (96.6%) free.
Andalusia has 192 km of tolled motorways (12.8%) versus 1308 km (87.2%) free of payment.
Extremadura has no tolled motorways.
The situation in Valencia is worse than Catalonia, as they only have one free motorway connecting Valencia with Madrid.
Loads of Catalan motorists have started the campaign "I don't want to pay". They do not want to pay any longer for the free motorways that have been built in Spain for profit of unproductive areas of Spain, all with money coming from Catalonia.
There will be a coordinate demonstration on May 1st, midday, where several thousands of motorists will not pay at the following tolls:
- VILASSAR, C-32 (both senses)
- MARTORELL, AP-7 (towards Barcelona)
- MOLLET, C-33 (both senses)
- MANRESA, C-16 (both senses)
- GIRONA SUD, AP-7 (junction)
- FIGUERES SUD, AP-7 (junction)
- L'HOSPITALET DE L'INFANT, AP-7 (both senses)
- TÚNELS DEL GARRAF (both senses)
- REUS (junction)
- SAGUNT-VALÈNCIA (junction)
- ALGEMESÍ (junction)
- CASTELLÓ (junction)
- TERRASSA-LES FONTS(both senses)
We wish all the success on this day and to everyone of the motorists who, from a fortnight ago, have not paid abusive prices in tolls that are almost not existent in the rest of Spain, causing severe anxiety at "Abertis", concessionary of the motorway tolls.
Visca Catalunya!
Labels:I don't want to pay
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