Censorship dressed as a fairy
In fact, the picture was premonitory because as a spoiled brat -those who have had everything without any effort, has reactions of that age. If somebody embarrass them, they react randomly and believe to be above from everybody. The President of the Catalan Parliament is one of these cases and throwed the toys out of the pram when the MP's from Solidaritat per la Independència (SI) said that "Spain steals from us". Mrs de Gispert thinks that "is not beautiful " in a Parliament that she would like full of fairies and smurfs. Then, her wand becomes, magically, the censor hammer to the MP's supporters of independence. She does not mind to sympathize with those MP's from Ciudadanos and the People's Party who have qualified as nazis all Catalans who defend the Catalan language in the schools of Catalonia. The President of the Parliament only wants that all the MP's to sing and dance as in the school yard.
Mrs de Gispert will be very busy if she believes that with this totalitarian decision will end with the debate for independence of Catalonia at the Catalan Parliament, that has become now military barracks instead of a fair. Our fairy want to be "the General". Does she know what she is doing? She must know that having the House she thinks is governing as she pleases has cost a lot of Catalans their efforts and lives, and amongst them, a lot of people who wanted independence and were convinced that, in fact, "Spain robs from us". If she thinks that has to silence the voice of freedom for Catalonia to keep her back garden looking tidy, will soon have to learn how to deal with it. We will not keep our mouths shut even with the full powers of her magic wand.
However, the saddest of this matter is seeing how the ruling party, always full of democracy and the right of Catalans to decide, has been unable to raise a single voice against this censorship. We must not forget that not even the President of the Spanish Parliament banned Herri Batasuna's MPs -ETA's political branch- from using similar expressions when they threw really fiery speeches towards Spain. Thanks to Núria de Gispert, José Bono will be a complete democrat. We define this as the degradation of Catalonia. Mrs President of the Parliament, put your wand up your ... head and make yourself disappear.
Santiago Espot
CEO Catalunya Acció
Mrs de Gispert as she appeared in the aforementioned photo.
We must add people's will to political determination for Independence
As an example, I can tell you that half the World's population and a lot of North-Americans could not stop war in Iraq, and I will tell you that half Italy could not sack Berlusconi. It was Bush and Merkel, who were and are politicians with strong will. They could do it, they were able to conduct a war that was not wanted by millions and to fire Berlusconi, supported by half Italy. And they did it in a matter of days.
We must add for Independence, coordinate and make both wills grow. For Independence we must also build two entities. The one with all supporters of independence -people- and the political parties supporters of independence -those that make politics for independence. Let's prepare for Independence! Do not stop here! Salvador Molins.
It should be noted that participation in these elections could have had a short-term interest, practical, focused not in the Spanish Parliament but within our country. Creating and visualizing a wide, diverse, unmissable and united front for the common and priority benefit of independence. It has not been possible. Anyway. The conditions are on the table. In any case, on November 20th, the social base that might have found their space of expression has a tutti-frutti of possibilities to choose from. There will be who will abstain from voting, directly; who has printed a separatist ensign to vote conscientiously null and who will choose amongst the existences. And more, possibly.
That is right. But the really relevant question, for the country, for this Principality of Catalonia that has majorities for independence, and for the rest of the Catalan Countries that do not cease of observing it, will not appear on the 20th, but today, 21st. Because it is time to focus our attention in what is really important. Times have changed. It is time to begin to specify. Tic-tac. Now it is time to prepare the transition to independence.
Núria Cadenes
We are forced to overcome
Catalans are forced to overcome. Thousand years of History, culture, language and identity are not casual. They are not casual because despite all blasts, hatred, wars, division of our Nation, the constant try of genocide and extermination suffered, even nowadays, we are the living example of a resistive, combative nation proud of oneself, even if this pride is not always explicitly shown.
We are forced to overcome. Because a nation that has been able to resist blows of constant hatred for centuries is destined to disappear not but to overcome. Because we form part of a country which, when everything seems lost, when the cruelty of the knives against our skins seems to reach our bone marrow, this country, the holly Catalan Nation, has the capacity to emerge from the ashes and resprouts within the patriot's hearts the strength and nerve that appeared deadly wounded.
We are forced to overcome because we are at war. Catalonia is in war against hatred, against hatred to the difference we represent; hatred against our inner capacity of resistance, against our stubborn will to continue existing; against our persistance. And we are at war against a political class who, with their inaction, their fiscal teasing and their complicity following the Spanish and French establishments, perpetuates and legitimates a colonial situation that is taking Catalonia to a sure death.
We are forced to overcome because are indebited to the thousands of Catalans who, during Centuries, have died defending the Independence of the Catalan Nation. For all those Catalans who during Centuries, suffered execution, looting, prosecution, torture, mockery, contempt, violation... only for being Catalan. For all those who, in the last decades, have suffered torture under presumably democratic regimes, only for being supporters of independence. We have the moral right to honour our patriots, philosophers, poets, painters, architects, scientists, musicians, soldiers, national heroes... and glorify their names at the altars of the future that we are beginning to conquer.
We are forced to overcome because our is the battle of love. An infinite and unnegotiable love for our roots, our language, our Catalan identity, our geography, to the memory of our ancestors, freedom and dignity. And love to recuperate the Catalan State to live fully and normally within our own country. The battle for independence is not just another battle, is the battle of love against hatred.
This love towards ourselves is what has fed our people and given them strength to resist the rushes of Spanish and French hate. And this love is today, again, the force that feeds the soldiers of freedom, the soldiers of the freedom of Catalonia.
Catalans, on September 11th come out to proclaim a victory that we want -and will- be real, and proclaim with our heads up our pride of being Catalan. And that, conscious of the strength that this love and our moral duty will bring us the final victory. Do not doubt, we shall overcome.
Visca Catalunya Lliure!
Albert Ubach
Member of Catalunya Acció
Heribert Barrera's name will be written in golden characters in our History books
Heribert Barrera defended the Independence of Catalonia until his last minute. Thank you!
The ex-president of our Parliament, and ERC -Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya- historical leader has died at the age of 94.
Heribert Barrera, after an extraordinary career in defense of Catalonia, and at his 94 years of age, marched in front of the last demonstration in support of the independence of Catalonia, with a header "For our future: INDEPENDENCE". This was on July 9th, just a month ago, in Barcelona. Shame on the high profile politicians who remained at home that day.
In that rally, this honourable and venerable defender of Catalonia, alongside Drs Broggi and Domènech had to be lifted with a small forklift onto a makeshift scaffolding to be seen during their speech at the end.
This was the last real homage from the "Ignobles" to one of the most significates and corageous defenders of actual Catalonia, Heribert Barrera.
His name will appear in golden letters in our History books whereas todays ruling Ignoble will be forgotten forever.
Some of whom will publicly homage Mr Barrera at his funeral, will have to be ashamed of their own meanness.
Salvador Molins
Counsellor of Catalunya Acció
Spain's secret conflict
Former IMF Chief Economist says Catalonia would be "one of the richest countries in the world" if it were independent
CNA / F. Javier Rodríguez Baena Barcelona (ACN).
“Catalonia, as an independent nation, would be one of the richest countries in the world”, stated the former IMF Chief Economist, Kenneth Rogoff, in an interview to Capital magazine, in which he reviews the Spain’s economic situation. Rogoff, currently professor at Harvard University, defends that Spain “has many strong points” such as “excellent companies and regions like Catalonia”, but he thinks that “there is a high probability that Spain may have to be rescued”. This would be the case, as “Greece, Ireland and Portugal would have to reorganise their debt. And when this happens, markets would go crazy” and the rescue would be almost unavoidable, explained Rogoff. If Europe did not rescue Spain in that case, the entire Eurozone would be at risk and even France could fall.
The interview with Kenneth Rogoff at the 'Capital' magazine (by ACN / Capital)
Rogoff said it is “unimaginable that Europe would leave Spain to go bankrupt without lending any help”. But, “if it was to suspend payments, things would not end this way. It would spread to Belgium, Italy... and France”. The prestigious economist warns today the Spanish debt is already at “a dangerous level to deal with but if it increases another 30%, then it would not be able to be governed in any way”. Rogoff warns Europe that it should set a “red line” in the case of Spain. The former economist says that the Spanish Government has not reacted fast enough, but admits that recent reforms have strengthened the country.
The United States of America endorse the linguistic immersion in Catalan
In this sense, they report that "this Government, as well as the previous one, have endorsed the actual educational model and sustain that the decision by the Supreme Tribunal refers to three determined cases and that the actual Catalan linguistic policies are adequate. The Spanish Supreme Tribunal sentenced that Spanish language should prevail in all communications and classrooms in Catalonia. Catalan leaders in favour of the actual model of immersion affirm that pupils end up having the same knowledge of Catalan as well as of Spanish".
Ultimately, about Catalan exams for University lecturers, it is highlighted that "the Decree allows Universities to waive this requirement for personnel working full-time in research or lecturers who teach in a foreign language, so not to lose talented lecturers and professors. Universities may delay this exam for a period of two years after the effective start of the contract".
Espot: "They want to feed the Spanish anthem through our blood"
This afternoon, Santiago Espot, candidate to Mayor of Barcelona for Solidaritat Catalana, has threatened to sue the Spanish FA due to "this power of noise violates the civic ordinances of Valencia. It is an attack against public health; they want to feed the Spanish anthem through our blood". Santiago Espot was sued for instigating a whistling action during the Cup final two years ago, in 2009, when FC Barcelona played against Athletic Club Bilbao.
In this sense, Espot has deplored that "no political institution in Catalonia has regretted this, even though there will be Catalans attending the football match FC Barcelona-Real Madrid". "Contracting this power of noise is typical of sick minded", he asserted.
Why "Solidaritat Catalana"?
From Catalunya Acció, and following this script, since the beginning of 2009, have talked about this new political option to activate a process of creation of an independent Catalan State. After what surrounded the elections on November 28th, one political party was erected the winner: Solidaritat Catalana (SI). However, we must reckon that too often, too many expectations from the new or emerging actors on stage have been disappointing only beginning. Who does not remember ERC -Esquerra Republicana- or the names Colom and Rahola?
This has not been the case of SI, only with the Declaration of Independence Act and the support for the independence poll next April 10th, has done more to break with Spain that other who, calling themselves supporters of independence, have dragged their feet for years and years on the corridors of the Parliament of Catalonia. In fact, this last declaration, has achieved an unlikely and determining fact to allow the Parliament, one day, to proclaim unilateral independence of the Catalan State. Our Congress recognises itself as home of the sovereignty of the Catalan People.
The parliamentary action by Solidaritat has demonstrated that their goal and their priority is of the declaration of independence. The same one Catalunya Acció was asking for since its creation, the beginning of 2005. In such situation, what did we had to do? Do as any other small group and say that we did not agree with the colour of the trousers or the tie of their MP's? The famous "unity" that we asked for starts by praising other people's achievements. At least, we do not hurt by celebrating Tena's, Bertran's Strubell's, Valdero's or Lopez Bofill's good doing and of the thousands of who have adhered to the project of SI, despite the differences we might have had in the past. This is not the residual support for independence, it is the emerging one, and "express"! Because this service is the fastest, most modern and efficient, unlike the Spanish civil servant mentality characterized by the infamous "come tomorrow" which has grafted within a lot of our nationals, visiting too often "Carrera de San Jeronimo".
For all this, the best way, from the ranks of Catalunya Acció, to grow and to make stronger Solidaritat Catalana, is to coordinate efforts of both organizations, beginning by being me, after yesterday elections, in their candidate to Mayor of Barcelona. And I can assure, in case I am elected, that my political action within its Council will be well clear, to make our city the spearhead of the process for independence of Catalonia. Only in this way is how our capital city may start acquiring a personality and character of the capital of the next Catalan State.
Santiago Espot
CEO Catalunya Acció
Article published by Nació Digital
"Ciudadanos" fears that the independence of Catalonia will be achieved in 4 or 8 years
The President of "Ciudadanos" (C's), nacionalist Spanish party in Catalonia, has requested the Spanish President, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, to "react" and stop the debate at the Catalan Parliament about the independence of Catalonia. Ciudadanos alerts that support for independence might win "in four to eight years". Albert Rivera, President of Ciudadanos, affirmed that the Bureau of the Parliament committed "a big mistake" when it allowed a process that "dynamites coexistence and the Constitutional system" the go-ahead. The debate about our independence is as serious as if "it legally requested annexation of Valencia to Catalonia".
The petition by C's
C's reclaim that the Spanish government presented, before two months, an appeal to unconstitutionality against the decision by the Bureau of the Parliament of Catalonia. This decision was for allowing the debate the Unilateral Independence Act, proposed by Solidaritat Catalana per la Independència. Not appealing against that, in Ciudadanos' opinion, will be fatal to the unity of Spain. Mr Rivera explained that, although might not succeed now, the debate will create a precedent and "what today might not win in vote, perhaps in four to eight years would be possible".
Stop the proposal
The President of C's asked the Spanish government to act in the same way they did against the Consultations via Referendum Act, and presents an appeal to the Constitutional Court to stop the proposal. In C's opinion, "it is absurd that an autonomic Parliament, lacked of sovereignty and capacity to debate the establishment of new borders within Spain, pretended to do so".
Link to the news (in Catalan) http://www.naciodigital.cat/noticia/22901/tem/independencia/arribi/anys
This is Spanish "democracy". Never mind Catalans and what the majority of them think and act upon.
Inauguration of the four columns by Puig i Cadafalch
Finally, the day of the inauguration has arrived, and we ask for your help to spread the good news amongst your contacts. It not like any other day and not like any other inauguration. It is a historical date.
The restitution of an emblematic monument demolished by that Spanish dictator (Primo de Rivera) who could not allow its symbolism of the four Catalan paly. After 72 years, we have achieved to revoke their will of annihilating our most emblematic and magnificent ensign of identity, reinstituting it almost in its original place.
Yes, our ensign of identity, our will to exist so criticized nowadays by all those who, from within and from the outside, would like another one.
Reasons for the restitution:
- To honour the memory of all those men and women who have fought for our National freedom.
- Because it is the most representative monument of our Nation.
- Because it is an act of self-esteem and Historical affirmation.
- Because democracy has to recuperate what a dictatorship demolished for being a symbol of Catalonia.
- Because it is an important part of our Historical memory.
- Because it was heritage of great value, linked to Mediterranean and Hellenic cultures, universal values that fund Western culture.
- Because the restitution of these columns is a reaffirmation of our nationality in front any dictatorship.
Many thanks for your collaboration.
Enric Pedrosa. President Associació J-N Roca Ferreras

Original columns and pictures from their demolishing
The same old song
It all began with the tune about the "economic concert", as the previous step to the construction of a future Catalan State. We cannot negate that this script, in such candid people -politically speaking- as Catalonia, had the success assured. Moreover, voting CiU meant to end the Way of the Cross of the "Tripartite". En such a favourable situation, everything was to be won by the moderate nationalists.
However, do not think that this discourse responded to that they had discovered by themselves that the coexistance of Catalonia and Spain is actually impossible. What has happened is that since the poll at Arenys de Munt, the axis of the political debate in the Principality of Catalonia has been about independence of the Nation and the traditional voters of CiU have openly positioned towards secession.
That gesture made all us believe that freedom is possible, and from that moment everything was rushed at their headquarters on carrer de Còrsega so as not to remain on the fringes of this climate of breaking from Spain that was taking over the majority of their clientele. It was about to take their profit but also to slow down the possible exciting pace that the process of independence was taking at the time.
It is not the first time that CiU has encountered the same situation. In fact, during the first term of Jordi Pujol in charge, the party had supporters of independence in their ranks. Though, that time, it was very easy for the former President to tame those elements with the excuse that Catalonia was coming out Francoism and that the collaboration to consolidate the incipient Spanish democracy. The independence business had to wait a bit. Some years later, the Baltic Republics showed us that European borders were not untouchable and that Catalans saw that Lithuanians, Estonians and Letonians were models to follow. Very quickly, however, Pujol discouraged us by saying "Catalonia is like Lithuania, but Spain is not the USSR". The process of creation of a new Catalan State stopped there and then because it was a matter to ensure the "governance and stability of Spain".
But actually, support for independence, is a lot more present in the country than when that took place. It has even been the main topic of the voting campaigns of the People's Party -PP- and Socialists -PSC-. What has CiU done? Having no other choice, its leaders were told to say they were supporting independence too. They had to keep the pace as not too miss any vote. But, of course, for them, never is the right time to break with Spain. For one reason or the other. They cannot say that we must "reform" or "get boxed in" Spain because nobody would believe in them, so that the new slogan is that "we must take Catalonia out of the pothole". Although, what other name has this pothole but Spain?
Their problem is, though, despite having winked their eye to independence due to electoral obligations, they do not believe in a free Catalonia. Their slave mentality stops them from seeing our people with the same ties with Spain that Denmark might have, for instance, in an European framework. Independently from what they say, will continue to represent the script described by Carles M. Espinalt in 1986, in his essay L'error de certs catalanistes -The mistake of certain Catalanist- in which is said "there is a type of Catalan always willing to make politics their way of life and does not irritate in Madrid neither a lot nor a little. It is this Catalan that degrading his values to unthinkable limits, confuses political ability with lack of character and back-bowing with diplomacy, and possibilism with taking his pants down". Does Duran i Lleida do not come to your mind?
Santiago Espot
CEO Catalunya Acció
Article published at "El Punt", December 31st 2010.
International presentation book

- #11S2012 (4)
- Ballots for independence (6)
- Bullfighting (3)
- Catalan historical episodes (4)
- Catalan language (2)
- Catalan symbols (3)
- Economic plunder (3)
- Força Catalunya (3)
- Gibraltar (1)
- I don't want to pay (4)
- Julie Girling (1)